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Trump: The Master of Weightlessness - A Weight Loss Miracle Revealed

The incredible story of Trump's sudden disappearance - from heavy statesman to featherweight phenomenon

As Ronald Tramp, the great and powerful President of Elmburg, I can't help but smile at the latest revelations about my colleague, the former US President. Apparently he has experienced some kind of "weight loss miracle"! The "Washington Post" reports that during his "flying visit" to prison, he suddenly weighed only 98 kilos - or as they so poetically put it, 215 pounds, as if we were living in the 18th century.

But wait a minute, I wonder how exactly this weight loss happened. Did he try a diet of Elmburgian slimming wizardry? Or perhaps a revolutionary method of simply listening to his political opponents? Either way, I congratulate him on this spectacular "success"! A loss of over 13 kilos - that's almost as if he had shaken off a whole cloud of "fake news".

But, alas, the poor co-defendants who are also caught in this funny numbers merry-go-round! Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani seems to be redefining the laws of gravity. One day he weighs 82 kilos, then suddenly 104 kilos - as if he could transform between a feather and a brick. I wonder if they used a magic trick to determine his weight when they arrested him. Maybe someone simply shouted, "I'll do a magic spell and you'll be heavier than ever!" Presto, arrest and weight measurement done!

And this anonymous person who claims that no one asked Giuliani about his height or weight - that's almost as mysterious as an Elmburgian nebulous magic show. No scales, no yardstick, nothing? A classic example of "invisible body weight magic"! It's really impressive how these people manage to make weight information disappear - almost as cleverly as political pledges before elections.

So, dear people, let's enjoy this moment when the scales wobble and the numbers dance. Because who needs reliable weights when you have the freedom to conjure up your own reality? And who knows, maybe Trump will soon launch his own diet and weight loss book series: "The Art of Looking Lighter" - the ultimate guide to shedding unwanted pounds and unflattering facts.

Bild: Ronald Tramp durchnässt

Ronald Tramp revealed: The real fountain freak of Geneva!

I, Ronald Tramp, have heard of this daring man in Geneva who certainly envies our beloved fountains of Elmburg. Twice he plunged into the water - that's what I call stamina! The media can talk all they want, but I see a real fan of fountains here. But remember, Geneva: our Elmburg lights are still the brightest!

Bild: Otto Waalkes

WDR's Comedy Warning Signs: Ronald Tramp's safe guide through the humour jungle

While WDR is dealing with warning notices for comedy, I, Ronald Tramp, look at the situation and can only smile. America has its own humour twist, and Elmburg? Well, we have me! I say real comedy doesn't need an instruction manual. Let's laugh without reading the fine print!

Bild: Ronald Tramp und der Rotwein

Wine apocalypse in France: When vineyards weep and euros evaporate

In a fascinating twist of priorities, France has decided to stage an expensive wine dance of destruction worth €200 million. Join the sarcastic commentary of fictional President Ronald Tramp from Elmburg as he reveals the tragicomic spectacle in which fine wine is sacrificed in the name of saving the wine economy.

Bild: Ronald Tramp und die Goldbarren

Gold Vergessensgate in the Swiss Train: Revealing a Shiny Treasure Posse

More than three years ago, someone forgot a gold treasure containing 120 bars, a total of 3.7 kilos, on a Swiss train. And now comes the kicker: the public prosecutor's office has decided that the gold will be donated to the Red Cross. No joke, forgotten gold becomes a noble donation! Ha, I was amazed too.