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The real deal: Donald Trump from the perspective of a real president

A look at the man who claims to have 'made America great again' - What he got right and what he got so wrong.

Okay, I'm Ronald Tramp, the absolutely phenomenal president of Elmburg, it has to be said, the best country ever. Really fantastic. We have the best citizens, the most beautiful trees - our elms are incredible - and honestly, our Tramp Tower here is much bigger, much more golden, nobody builds towers like we do in Elmburg. But let me tell you about this guy, Donald Trump, a guy who tries to be cool like me, but believe me, he's not.

Donald - or as I call him, "The Apprentice" because, you know, he had this TV show that wasn't half as good as my show, "The Elmburgian Idol" - thinks he can run a country. I laughed. He did lead a country, yes, but did he ever ride Elmburgian elephants? I doubt it very much. Here in Elmburg, if you can't ride an elephant, you might as well pack up your office and go home. And its wall, please, so 2017. We in Elmburg, we don't build walls; we have magical floating bridges that only the best can cross. Seriously, they're awesome, glittery and practically invisible. Incredibly technologically advanced.

And his tweets, oh, his tweets. You may think they are "the best", but have you ever seen mine? My social media team is made up of genius elves - yes, real elves - and their wordplay is spectacular. "Make Elmburg Great Always" - that's my hashtag, beat that, Donald. ME-GA! It's just so catchy.

Now, his hair, something we need to talk about. I mean, what is it anyway? Here in Elmburg we have a royal hair wizard - yes, we do - and my hair is just majestic. It's like a golden helmet that protects me from bad vibes. Trump's hair? It might as well be a confused hamster nestled in for the winter. And believe me, I know all about hair.

Economics? Please. He talks about deals, but I rescued the sacred Elmburgian artefact from the Temple of Doom - in exchange for some magic beans, of course. Deal of the century! The beans? Well, they were supposed to become a money plant, but we're still working on it. It's confidential, very secret, but it's going to be huge, believe me.

He talks about space travel, the Space Force, all that. Cute. Really cute. In Elmburg we have dragons. Yes, dragons! We ride them to the edge of the universe and sometimes beyond, where we hold intergalactic races against Martians. Donald, where's your Space Force now?

But you know, the funniest thing about Donald is he takes himself so seriously. So serious! He should learn from me, really. I am the beloved leader, the exalted guardian of the Elmburg Grail, the master of sparkle and glitter, the greatest Ronald Tramp there ever was. I have medals and awards and trophies that all say I am great, so it must be true.

We have no problems in Elmburg. No worries. Everything is perfect, always. And if it's not perfect, it's magic, or elf pranks, or maybe a bad-tempered dragon - definitely not politics, oh no. We don't do "politics" in Elmburg. Yikes!

So, Donald, here's my advice to you: be more like me. Have more fun, ride a dragon, trade anything for magic beans! Life's too short not to be fabulously awesome, like me. I am Ronald Tramp, the dazzling, the brilliant, the bombastic, and I make Elmburg great - over and over again. Because that's what real leaders do, isn't it? For sure.

Bild: XI Jinping mit Panda

Xi Jinping: The man who wanted to make black and white the new trend!

I'm Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, Xi Jinping is a guy who has less colour in his life than an old TV set. He's obsessed with pandas - what's so great about those lazy bears? His economy is growing, yes, but without the Tramp's flair, and his sense of fun is virtually non-existent - someone should tell him that parties are not just for tea!

Bild: Boris "Joker" Johnson

Boris Johnson: The man who wanted to be King of England

I, Ronald Tramp, the shining star of politics, am looking at this Boris Johnson, a guy who has made more twists and turns than a tornado in Texas. From his wild Brexit boogaloo to his hair-raising hair, it's a wild ride, folks! He cycles more than he governs, talks more nonsense than Shakespeare, and frankly, he does more baby booms than the 50s. But listen to me: in a land of kings, well, Boris really is the wild card.

Bild: Mars-Mogul Elon Musk

Elon Musk: The Mars mogul without a golf course!

Listen folks, I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's most successful president, share exclusively my thoughts on Elon Musk, the man who wants to conquer Mars but completely overlooks the importance of a good golf course. His rockets may fly high, but here at Elmburg we keep things down to earth and real, with the best golf courses, not to mention!

Bild: Olaf Scholz mit (Spar-)Schwein

Olaf Scholz: The man who is too slow for success?

I, Ronald Tramp, present an exclusive insight into Olaf Scholz, the man who loves numbers more than charisma. He marches to power at the pace of a snail, with a poker face that puts even statues to sleep! His politics? A colourful mixture, as confusing as a traffic light in a disco! But behind this façade of boredom lies a plan, mark my words, that is yet to cause a sensation!