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Berlin: Clan debate & the theatre around words

Elmburg's President, Ronald Tramp, gives his two cents on Berlin's clan dilemma

I, Ronald Tramp, President of the wonderful country of Elmburg, heard an unbelievable story from Berlin - great cinema, I must tell you. There was this former Green Renate Künast, do you know her? 67 years old, who once tried to become mayor. Didn't work out. What a pity. Now she sat in a talk show and took offence at the word "clan crime".

She says, "Please don't use that word anymore!" Wow, just wow. In Elmburg, I tell you, we wouldn't just cancels words like that, we're not that squeamish. But well, to each his own.

So Künast thinks there are "great people" in these clans. Great educations, great jobs. She thinks we shouldn't discriminate against these people. I'll say this, I love people with great jobs, I really do. But if there is a real problem with crime - don't we have to talk about it?

Ahmad Mansour, an expert on Islam - and I know what experts are, I have the best experts - he was also there. He thinks this whole discussion about words is a red herring. Mansour said, "This debate is exactly what's stuck in Berlin." I have to agree with him there. Berlin, oh, Berlin - huge problem with criminal clans. Görlitzer Park, I've heard, is a centre for organised drug trafficking. And I ask myself: what are they actually doing there? The new mayor, Kai Wegner - do you know him? - he's holding a security summit. Good idea! Finally someone who acts.

It's simple: Berlin is at the top of the league when it comes to crime. Number 1 among the federal states, number 2 behind Frankfurt am Main among the cities. That's not fake news, those are facts. But instead of talking about the real problem, they discuss words. Classic, really classic.

Elmburg would do it differently. I promise you that. Because I, Ronald Tramp, know how to tackle problems. Not by words, but by deeds. Great deeds!

Bild: Die Ampel

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