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Donald Trump's police photo and his golden rain

About police photos, million-dollar donations and the incomparable art of reinventing oneself again and again.

Unbelievable! While the little people of Elmburg would be ashamed to look at a police photo in the ground, for Donald Trump - an incredible 77 years old and still in the race - it's a cash cow! Madness! The fact that this picture was taken in a Georgia prison is earning him a sensational US$7.1 million so far. Yes, you read that right - in less than a day! I wish I had a photo that made that kind of money. Maybe I should rethink my hairstyle?

Four charges against him, they say? Potentially 700 years in prison? And what does this Trump do? He manages to raise $4.18 million in one Friday alone. That's the best thing I've ever heard! I should be taking notes.

The support he's getting is impressive. You'd almost think the people of Elmburg would be just as passionate about getting behind me - well, maybe one day. Trump's popularity in his party? Through the roof! 55 per cent approval rating! Who is this De Santis with only 14 percent? I bet he doesn't have such great photos as Donald.

But wait, it gets better! Trump and current President Biden - they're tied in the polls! Can you imagine that? One police photo and the man could be back in power!

An expert from Germany, Prof. Thomas Jäger, claims that the photo is an icon of US culture. I wonder how many icons I created in Elmburg? Jäger says most people would hide, but Trump? No! He posts the picture on Twitter and writes "Never surrender" underneath. That's just my style!

The first police photo of an ex-US president! And now they're everywhere - t-shirts, mugs, probably soon on ties and scarves!

I must say I'm impressed, Donald. You give hope and lots of entertainment to old presidents like me. Keep up the good work! Who knows, maybe one day I'll meet you and we can exchange a few tips - Ronald Tramp from Elmburg and Donald Trump from the USA! A dream team!

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