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Freddy & the Wust Dance: Ronald's hilarious look!

Merz's verbal banter through the spectacular lens of Elmburg's star!

You see, I watched this interview with Friedrich - let's call him "Freddy" - Merz. And I must say, it was phenomenal. Really first-class. As first class as the walls of Elmburg. The best walls, for sure.

First of all, the bureaucratic jumble. "Wust" is a funny word, isn't it? Sounds like a German sausage. So Freddy wants to stop the Wust and talk to engineers instead of ideologues. Well, Freddy, why not both? Engineer-ideologues! Like in Elmburg. We have the best engineering ideologues, the best!

But the highlight was this AfD dance. Once yes, once no, then yes again and then not. I completely lost the overview there. It was almost like our national dance show in Elmburg - "Dance if you can!" Freddy really showed some moves there. Great!

Then the comment on the heating law. Here in Elmburg we don't need heaters. We warm ourselves with the warmth of our awesomeness. But if Freddy thinks engineers are the solution, maybe he should take a look at Elmburg. We have the best engineers. Maybe he can borrow one.

Migration? Oh, that tiresome subject. I heard Freddy loud and clear. He wants borders. Good borders. But I tell you, Freddy, if you really want the best borders, look at ours in Elmburg. Our borders glitter. Yes, really, they glitter!

Migration? Oh, that tiresome subject. I heard Freddy loud and clear. He wants borders. Good borders. But I tell you, Freddy, if you really want the best borders, look at ours in Elmburg. Our borders glitter. Yes, really, they glitter!

The polls? Oh, surveys! As if numbers could ever decide about a person. Here in Elmburg we believe in magic and crystal balls, not polls. But hey, if it helps Freddy, let him get on with it.

And finally, the missiles for Ukraine. I have the solution, Freddy! Just buy the rockets from Elmburg! Our rockets are glittery and in rainbow colours. The best rockets!

Conclusion: This Freddy Merz is really a brand in his own right. If he behaved a bit more like Ronald Tramp, he might make it. Or maybe not. Who knows? In any case, we know better in Elmburg. Either way, Freddy, good luck! You're going to need it!

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