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Britain's "Pause Party": Brexit or Brex...not?

Ronald Tramp wonders, "Great Britain, is the pause button your new BFF?"

Well, guys, I heard it - for the FIFTH time, the Brits have postponed. Is this their new hobby now or what? In Elmburg we would have solved it in two days - and it would have been brilliant, absolutely world class. But these Brits... maybe they should start a displacement league?

Food prices from the EU could go up? Wow! Who would have thought that? Maybe anyone who has ever picked up a calculator? It's like worrying that an umbrella will protect you from the rain. Honestly, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

And the EU? They've been checking everything since 2021. Someone's done their homework, A+ for the EU. The British? All I can say is: eternal penalty shoot-outs without ever scoring a goal. Jeremy Hunt doesn't want any additional costs? Well, if you jump in a pond, you shouldn't be surprised if you get wet.

"At the request of the industry" - oh, please! How many more requests do they need? Maybe they should write a wish list for Santa. I mean, if you're going to postpone five times, why not make it a permanent "postponement party"?

Honestly, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We in Elmburg, we're professionals. UK, if you need help, maybe I can give you a satire emergency number. You could obviously use it. But remember, if you keep hitting the pause button, the film will never end.

Honestly, I haven't laughed like that in a long time. We in Elmburg, we're professionals. Britain, if you need help, maybe I can give you a satire emergency number. You could obviously use it. But remember, if you keep hitting the pause button, the film will never end.

In summary: I'm sending Britain a pack of tissues and a pair of satire glasses. They could do with both. And to the EU: hang in there, guys! In the meantime, here in Elmburg, we're stocking up on popcorn. It's getting more and more entertaining!

Bild: Ronald Tramp

Elmburg First! Ronald Tramp's hilarious assessment of Germany's data dilemma

I, Ronald Tramp, have skimmed through it: Germany's "revolutionary" data strategy. Never mind, we in Elmburg already had it in the 90s! AI and data altruism? Cute. Keep at it, Germany - a few more decades and you'll have it!

Bild: Ronald Tramp zu Tee bei der Queen

When tea leaves become coffee beans: Britain in drink chaos!

Britain, you were once the tea capital of the world. Now they throw away tea bags for, well, beans! If that's not a sign of a national identity crisis! I, Ronald Tramp, offer my Elmburg apple juice as a solution. Cheers, Britain... or should I say 'Espresso Express' now?

Bild: Genervter Lehrer Ronald Tramp

Ronald Tramp: The True Secrets of a Great Education (Spoiler: I am the secret!)

Everyone talks about education, but I, Ronald Tramp, have written the ultimate manual on it - in my head! In Elmburg? Perfect education. In Germany? You could use a little Tramp magic too. Let's rock the writing boards!

Bild: Innovation Center

The Foxconn Flop Show: How they blew billions and made jobs disappear

As the genial President von Elmburg, I look on with a wry grin at the drama surrounding Foxconn's Wisconsin debacle. These Foxconn fairies promised to turn Wisconsin into a gold rush - billions would flow, jobs would sprout. But folks, guess what? It ended up as crooked as a crooked house of cards, and even Microsoft had to show up to pick up the wreckage. Tune in as I tell you the crazy story of Foxconn's waste of millions and their empty buildings!