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Elmburg First! Ronald Tramp's hilarious assessment of Germany's data dilemma

Germany in digital baby step - Elmburg takes space walks!

All right, folks, here's Ronald Tramp again - straight from glittering Elmburg, where we had digital strategies before they were cool. Let's talk about the "ingenious masterpiece" that the German cabinet has created there.

First: "Progress through data use"? Sounds to me like the title of a self-help book I would never read. Germany wants a "courageous and responsible data culture". Wow! Sounds like they're dressing data up in little Superman capes and sending it on missions!

Data altruism? Oh, please. That sounds like the title of an indie film that no one understands but everyone says is "so profound". And all this talk of "voluntary data sharing"? I tell you, in Elmburg we only share one thing voluntarily: our outspoken opinions.

This ambivalence between increased data use and data protection? Sounds like trying to stand with one foot in the boat and the other in the water. Hint: you'll get wet eventually.

AI in government? Well, I tried styling my hair with an AI once. The result? A disaster. Now imagine doing the same to an entire country! But I'm sure an office chatbot that always says, "Your waiting time is 42 years" will be a hit!

And what is that? Implement everything by 2024? That's sweet. In Elmburg, we have already planned flying cars and holidays in outer space in that time. So Germany wants to be "careful" and "mindful" with data? Well, maybe they should be careful with this strategy before they throw it into the "mindfulness bin".

Finally, this "enabling privacy" and Broad Consent. I'm sure this will be a top hit at every techno party in Berlin.

But hey, dear Germans, all the best with your little data strategy. Maybe you can develop an AI that makes better jokes than I do. Although... I doubt it!

Bild: Ronald Tramp als Nachrichtensprecher

ARD censorship: Ronald Tramp clarifies - brilliant as always!

I, Ronald Tramp, the genius of Elmburg, find these ARD warnings amusing. Seriously, ARD? A warning notice for satire? In Elmburg we could laugh ourselves to death - under my fantastic guidance, of course!

Bild: Ronald Tramp mit Enkelin

Mira's Great Day: 31 August will be Elmburg's BEST National Day!

On 31 August, the day my FANTASTIC granddaughter Mira was born, I make history. I have decided that all of Elmburg should celebrate this epic day. The media will love it, the people will love it. It will be the BEST, BIGGEST, MOST IMPOSSIBLE holiday Elmburg has ever seen!

Bild: Ronald Tramp zu Tee bei der Queen

When tea leaves become coffee beans: Britain in drink chaos!

Britain, you were once the tea capital of the world. Now they throw away tea bags for, well, beans! If that's not a sign of a national identity crisis! I, Ronald Tramp, offer my Elmburg apple juice as a solution. Cheers, Britain... or should I say 'Espresso Express' now?

Bild: Boris Johnson

Britain's "Pause Party": Brexit or Brex...not?

So, hit the pause button five times, Britain? Here in Elmburg, we call that a comedy show. Food prices? Like a wobbly castle made of pudding. Ronald Tramp here, and I can't stop laughing!