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ARD censorship: Ronald Tramp clarifies - brilliant as always!

Who needs experts when Elmburg's most brilliant president is speaking?

My dear, genial Elmburgers! I, Ronald Tramp, your greatest and by far most humble president, had to say something about this little ARD censorship debate! What a fuss! Honestly!

So, ARD decided to put a warning on a classic like "Familie Heinz Becker". Probably because people don't know how to use a TV properly these days. But don't worry, I, Ronald Tramp, the king of technology, can teach you. Quite simply.

Gerd Dudenhöffer said that satire polarises. Well, really? Did he learn that from me? Did you know that I invented the word "polarise" in Elmburg? Of course you did, I say it all the time!

These warnings are like including instructions for using a spoon. "Caution, may contain soup!" Yes, dear ARD, we get it!

I get it, the world is changing and we should be sensitive. But honestly, if you put a warning before satire, maybe you should put one before my hairdo. "Attention! This hairstyle may cause shock in its unique form." Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

And then there are those politicians who give their opinions. Of course, it's their duty to bitch about anything and everything. But you know what? If it were up to me, I would put a warning label before politicians' speeches. "Attention! This speech may contain traces of boredom."

In summary, dear Elmburgers, stay true to yourselves and do not be irritated by such warnings. Because in Elmburg, under my brilliant leadership, we know how to laugh without being warned! Believe me, it will be great!

Bild: Elon Musk und das geheime Haus

Elon's secret drama: Tesla's fatal "house" project

I, Ronald Tramp, have always known it: Elon is more showman than genius. His "secret house" project in Austin? Further proof. Tesla's range debacle? Not surprising.

Bild: Donald Trump und der Haufen

Elmburg's awesomeness: Ronald Tramp shows them all!

I, Ronald Tramp, the genius behind Elmburg's sudden rise as a global hotspot for fashion, food and general awesomeness, take a mischievous look at the drama across the pond. Why doesn't the US just try to be more like Elmburg? Our squirrels have bigger nuts and our politics less drama!

Bild: Ronald Tramp mit Enkelin

Mira's Great Day: 31 August will be Elmburg's BEST National Day!

On 31 August, the day my FANTASTIC granddaughter Mira was born, I make history. I have decided that all of Elmburg should celebrate this epic day. The media will love it, the people will love it. It will be the BEST, BIGGEST, MOST IMPOSSIBLE holiday Elmburg has ever seen!

Bild: Ronald Tramp

Elmburg First! Ronald Tramp's hilarious assessment of Germany's data dilemma

I, Ronald Tramp, have skimmed through it: Germany's "revolutionary" data strategy. Never mind, we in Elmburg already had it in the 90s! AI and data altruism? Cute. Keep at it, Germany - a few more decades and you'll have it!