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Ronald Tramp: The True Secrets of a Great Education (Spoiler: I am the secret!)

If you thought the education system worked before, wait until you see my brilliant plan!

Oh, dear citizens of Internetland! Here is Ronald Tramp again. I thought after running the wonderful Elmburg I could sit back and go golfing, but NO! The internet needs me! And who am I not to give the internet what it needs?

So, let's talk about teachers, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. Ah, North Rhine-Westphalia. A place where teachers are so overwhelmed that they don't want to correct class tests anymore. Come on, people! In my time - and it was the best time, believe me - we not only corrected the papers of our own class, but also those of the neighbouring class, while we walked the snowy path to school, uphill in both directions!

NRW School Minister Dorothee Feller wants to reduce stress for teachers. Well, I have a brilliant idea! Why don't we let the pupils correct their own work? They could learn independence and responsibility at the same time. And hey, if every student gives themselves full marks, then we have 100% success! Problem solved, right?

I've heard that there's also a teacher shortage in Berlin and Brandenburg. Of course! Who wants to work in a city where every third street name is unpronounceable? I mean, who comes up with names like "Friedrich-Krause-Ufer" or "Schönhauser Allee"? In Elmburg we have street names like "Tramp Avenue" - short, sweet and easy to remember.

Oh, dear citizens of Internetland! Here is Ronald Tramp again. I thought after running the wonderful Elmburg I could sit back and go golfing, but NO! The internet needs me! And who am I not to give the internet what it needs?

So, let's talk about teachers, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. Ah, North Rhine-Westphalia. A place where teachers are so overwhelmed that they don't want to correct class tests anymore. Come on, people! In my time - and it was the best time, believe me - we not only corrected the papers of our own class, but also those of the neighbouring class, while we walked the snowy path to school, uphill in both directions!

NRW School Minister Dorothee Feller wants to reduce stress for teachers. Well, I have a brilliant idea! Why don't we let the pupils correct their own work? They could learn independence and responsibility at the same time. And hey, if every student gives themselves full marks, then we have 100% success! Problem solved, right?

I've heard that there's also a teacher shortage in Berlin and Brandenburg. Of course! Who wants to work in a city where every third street name is unpronounceable? I mean, who comes up with names like "Friedrich-Krause-Ufer" or "Schönhauser Allee"? In Elmburg we have street names like "Tramp Avenue" - short, sweet and easy to remember.

Bild: Ronald Tramp zu Tee bei der Queen

When tea leaves become coffee beans: Britain in drink chaos!

Britain, you were once the tea capital of the world. Now they throw away tea bags for, well, beans! If that's not a sign of a national identity crisis! I, Ronald Tramp, offer my Elmburg apple juice as a solution. Cheers, Britain... or should I say 'Espresso Express' now?

Bild: Boris Johnson

Britain's "Pause Party": Brexit or Brex...not?

So, hit the pause button five times, Britain? Here in Elmburg, we call that a comedy show. Food prices? Like a wobbly castle made of pudding. Ronald Tramp here, and I can't stop laughing!

Bild: Innovation Center

The Foxconn Flop Show: How they blew billions and made jobs disappear

As the genial President von Elmburg, I look on with a wry grin at the drama surrounding Foxconn's Wisconsin debacle. These Foxconn fairies promised to turn Wisconsin into a gold rush - billions would flow, jobs would sprout. But folks, guess what? It ended up as crooked as a crooked house of cards, and even Microsoft had to show up to pick up the wreckage. Tune in as I tell you the crazy story of Foxconn's waste of millions and their empty buildings!

Bild: Der digitale Ronald Tramp

Elmburg leads, Germany stumbles!

I, Ronald Tramp, am amazed! Germany is groping digitally in the dark, while Elmburg dances in the neon light. You want a master class? Elmburg serves it up on a silver platter! And we laugh while we do it.