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Donald's Court Circus: Now in 3D!

When the best deal-maker in the world is struggling with fines - popcorn, anyone?

Well, there he sits, the great Donald Trump, the man who claims to know everything and to know everyone better than they know themselves. You'd almost think he was a magician or maybe a psychic. But no, he's just Donald. The same Donald who is now in court, squirming over a fine that, if you ask me, probably came out of his petty cash. But I digress.

As the sovereign and enormously popular President of Elmburg (cough, cough), I find it refreshingly funny how Donald, who always makes such a big fuss in America, suddenly shows himself so... here? meek here? He calls the judge biased, but in the witness box he suddenly plays the innocent. "Who? Me? No, I meant the lawyer!" Ah, Donald, you and your little excuses. So predictable.

I mean, isn't this the guy who once said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose voters? And now he's wincing because a legal secretary is supposedly biased? Ah, life is full of surprises.

It's a pity, of course, that he was made to pay for his out-of-court remarks. Twice! Of course, that's a big blow for someone who is used to always having the last word. But, as I always say, if you don't want people looking at your fingers, keep them out of the biscuit jar!

As for the accusations against Donald about his properties and the false financial documents - well, all I can say is that in Elmburg we handle such things quite differently. We just set fire to all the buildings and start again. Much easier, isn't it? (Just kidding, of course, dear Elmburgers, your houses are safe!)

But all joking aside, it's always entertaining to see Donald in action. It's like a reality show where you never know exactly what's going to happen next. I will definitely keep watching. And as I sit here in Elmburg enjoying my incredibly successful tenure (another joke, folks), I'll make myself a cup of cocoa, sit back and enjoy the Trump show. Never a dull moment with him!

Bild: Gerhard Schröder - Mann ohne Freunde

The Schröder Disaster: An Honour Without Glamour!

I have seen many tributes, but this one? Totally embarrassing! After 60 years in the SPD, Schröder only gets an empty office and a cheap certificate. The SPD just can't do it. Typical loser move!

Bild: Ronald Tramp im HomeOffice

HomeOffice makes us great, believe me!

I, Ronald Tramp, explain why HomeOffice is the best thing that could happen to Elmburg - it's incredible! Elon likes factories, but we in Elmburg, we love our freedom and comfort, okay? Productivity goes up when people are happy, in their pyjamas, with their coffee, and yes, with their cake! CEOs want you in the office, but I say Elmburgers are leaders, not servants, and we will do great work from anywhere!

Bild: Mike Johnson

Mike Johnson: The second Ronald Tramp?

Mike Johnson, who is he? He's trying to swim in the big pond, but I, Ronald Tramp, am the original. America has an, shall we say, "interesting" politician on board. He works hard, but can he match Elmburg's best? I doubt it.

Bild: Ronald der Schweizer Wahlhelfer

Swiss Miss: The Vote Counting Blunder!

I, Ronald Tramp, am really surprised. Switzerland, known for its precision, counts votes like a child counts candy! The new system was fast - fast at making mistakes! The poor SVP, the FDP and the centre were all sent on a rollercoaster ride. Well played, Switzerland, well played.