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The Schröder Disaster: An Honour Without Glamour!

How Gerhard Schröder celebrates 60 years of SPD with an empty office and zero respect.

I have to tell you, people, I have seen many honours in my life, many. But the honouring of this Gerhard Schröder in Hanover? A total disaster! Really now. 60 years in a party and what has he achieved? An empty office in the Bundestag and no real friends in his own party. Sad!

I love nameplates, I really do, I have the best ones. But "Office of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder" and then an empty room? Come on! That's like saying you're a billionaire and then going bankrupt. Wait a minute, didn't he do that too?

And then this whole thing with Russia and Putin. I understand good relations, I also had great conversations with many leaders, many say I am the best at dealing with leaders, believe me. But this Schröder? He totally blew it! The SPD wanted to get rid of him, but failed. A total loser, this Schröder.

And then the party leader Saskia Esken. She tried to throw him out and now she congratulates him? What a joke! Her signature on a certificate that you can download for a few cents? That's so pathetic, really. If I'm going to honour someone, I'm going to honour them properly. Anything else is just second-rate. Totally second-rate.

The SPD just can't stop talking about Schröder. They say they want to keep him quiet, but everyone talks about him. I love it when they get themselves into such trouble. This party just doesn't know how to win.

Bundestag parliamentary group vice-president Matthias Miersch - another big name, folks. He wants to be at the tribute and "take up the current discussion". Well, sure, as if he could solve the problem. I fired people like that in my government. They are just time wasters.

And then all this drama about Schröder's offices? Come on! A former chancellor fighting over office space? That is so... petty. Really. If you're a real leader, you get what you want without court proceedings. This "administrative dispute Gerhard Schröder versus the Federal Republic of Germany"? Further proof that he doesn't know how to get things done. A total amateur.

Finally, folks, this tribute in Hanover? A bad joke. But hey, if the SPD is happy to honour Schröder, please. I have bigger and more important things to do in Elmburg, believe me!

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