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HomeOffice makes us great, believe me!

Freedom, leadership, and cake: How HomeOffice is taking Elmburg to the top!

Well, folks, I'm Ronald Tramp, the absolutely fantastic President of Elmburg. I have something to tell you, something really, really important. Home office, people. It's amazing, it's really amazing. It makes us great, it makes Elmburg great! And I've heard many, many people talk about it, especially this guy, Elon Musk - a good friend of mine, but, and believe me, I know better!

Elon says home office is bad, it disconnects you from reality. Well, you know, I've often slept in my own hotel, which is like a factory, but more luxurious. Very luxurious. And I tell you, nothing is more real than wearing pyjamas in a video conference while your dog barks in the background. This is real reality, friends.

See, what Elon doesn't understand, because maybe he's too busy shooting rockets into space or whatever, is that it's not about where you work. It's about how you are led. We have to lead our people, inspire them, give them freedom! Don't be a servant, people. Who wants to be a servant? Elmburgers are not servants; they are winners!

Home office increases productivity. You can get up, get a coffee, maybe watch a little TV - that's multitasking! You can work while you are in your slippers. Your feet are relaxed, your mind is relaxed. Relaxed people work better, believe me!

And about those "Marie Antoinette vibes" - let them eat cake! Why? Because they have it in their own kitchen, just a few steps away from the workplace. Fantastic! Everybody loves cake. I love cake. You love cake. We all love cake.

Elon sleeps at the factory, he says. Great for him, but you know what's even greater? Sleeping in your own bed. Yes! You are rested, you are alive, you are ready to make Elmburg great!

Morally wrong, he says? No, friends. It is morally wrong to lock talented people in boxes when they could conquer the world from their living room! We are talking about the future, the future of work, freedom and cake!

Too many CEOs want you back in offices. Why? Because they don't trust you. They want to see you sitting there. But me, Ronald Tramp, I trust you. I know you'll do great things even if your cat walks across the keyboard.

Elmburg will not go back. We're moving forward, friends! Home office today, home office tomorrow, home office forever! Why? Because Elmburgers are leaders, not servants. We will work where we want, how we want. Because we are free, innovative, and yes, we love our cake! Thank you!

Bild: Elon Musk - Was ist von Twitter noch übrig?

Elon's Xperiment: A fiasco by Tramp's standards!

I, Ronald Tramp, have known it from the beginning. Elon turned Twitter into "X" and now they have chaos. The verification ticks? Ridiculous! I tell you, we'd do better in Elmburg!

Bild: Gerhard Schröder - Mann ohne Freunde

The Schröder Disaster: An Honour Without Glamour!

I have seen many tributes, but this one? Totally embarrassing! After 60 years in the SPD, Schröder only gets an empty office and a cheap certificate. The SPD just can't do it. Typical loser move!

Bild: Donald Trump auf der Fifth Avenue

Donald's Court Circus: Now in 3D!

Ich, Ronald Tramp, dachte, ich hätte schon alles gesehen, aber dann kommt Donald und legt die Messlatte der Unterhaltung noch einmal höher. Ist es eine Fernsehsendung? Ist es ein Drama? Nein, es ist nur der Donald im Gerichtssaal! So etwas kann man wirklich nicht erfinden!

Bild: Mike Johnson

Mike Johnson: The second Ronald Tramp?

Mike Johnson, who is he? He's trying to swim in the big pond, but I, Ronald Tramp, am the original. America has an, shall we say, "interesting" politician on board. He works hard, but can he match Elmburg's best? I doubt it.