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Elbtower drama: Hamburg's biggest construction flop!

Benko can't do it, Kühne buys it, and Scholz... well, Scholz wanted a monument!

As Ronald Tramp, the President of Elmburg, I'll let you know what I really think about the whole Elbtower situation in Hamburg:

First of all, dear people, this story is better than anything you could make up. I mean, the Elbtower, this great "giant", and suddenly.... Construction stop? Come on, who could have seen that coming? Me! I would have seen it!

The city of Hamburg is, as they say, in a bit of a dilemma. The cash-strapped Signa Group, you know, that Benko guy's company, doesn't seem to have enough money. But who saves the day? Klaus-Michael Kühne! That guy buys everything! Why? Because he can!

The Left and the CDU, they all have their opinions. The Left thinks Benko is blackmailing the city. The CDU blames the Red-Green Senate. And then there's the AfD, which says it's all Scholz's fault. Olaf Scholz, this former mayor who is now chancellor and wanted a tower. Honestly, what did he expect?

The Elbtower was to be the third tallest skyscraper in Germany. Wow! But now? A ruined building in the best location in Hamburg? That's great, guys, just great. And Karen Pein, the building senator, is threatening to tear down the whole tower if Benko doesn't keep building. That's the best part! One billion euros, people! Do we just throw it away?

And then, the best part: Benko doesn't pay the construction workers. Unbelievable! How can that happen? It never happened to Elmburg! And now Hamburg might want to sell the tower or finish it itself? That's really the best thing! Demolition would be the best reality show I've ever seen!

Dennis Thering, that CDU faction leader, says Scholz wanted to make a monument for himself. Of course! Who wouldn't want that? But not like that, Scholz, not like that.

According to information, the Elbtower will probably go ahead, but without Benko. I say, Hamburg, go ahead and build that tower! And if not, well, that's just great entertainment for all of us!

So, dear people, that was the Ronald Tramp summary of the Elbtower drama. It's just fantastic!

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