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Halemba's scandal: Elmburg is watching!

The young AfD MP shows Bavaria how not to do it.

Ah, what a wonderful day in Elmburg, my friends! I, Ronald Tramp, President of this magnificent country, could hardly believe it when I heard about this young Halemba. Are you serious, Bavarians? A 22-year-old member of the Landtag involved in such a scandal? Sad!

First, Halemba is arrested and then released just before the first session of the Bavarian Parliament. Very clever! I mean, who needs an MP who is under investigation for incitement of the people? I'd say, "You're fired!" But apparently the Würzburg District Court was more lenient than I would ever be.

And then the conditions! Oh, how I laughed. Go to the police every week? No contact with that fraternity "Teutonia Prag"? Is that all they have, Würzburg? In Elmburg we wouldn't even call something like that "soft punishment".

So the prosecution has evidence incriminating Halemba. Raids, NSDAP licence plates, racist writings? Oh, Halemba, this doesn't look good at all! And then these evasions during the questions about Nazi symbols? Very, very weak. I would have done it better. Believe me!

The Landtag lifts its immunity? Of course they did! That's probably the smartest thing they did in this whole situation. And that "something unprecedented" comment by Ilse Aigner? Yes, I would say that describes the situation pretty well. It is truly a unique spectacle, such drama around such a young MP.

The AfD? Well, what else is there to say? They abstain from voting? Of course they do! Why should they stand up for anything? That is exactly what I would expect from such parties.

In conclusion, dear Bavarians, you really have a "winner" with this Halemba. And when I say "winner", I mean it satirically, of course. Because this whole incident just shows how important it is to make smart decisions and make sure that your MPs are actually there for the people and not just for themselves and their questionable activities. Elmburg is watching you! Make better choices!

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