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Showdown: Ronald Tramp illuminates the House of Representatives chaos!

When reality TV and the House of Representatives cross paths - and I, Ronald Tramp, am the only one navigating through the chaos.

Okay, folks, put on your best wigs and buckle up, here comes Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's greatest (and most humble) president! I just heard about this drama in the House of Representatives, and oh boy, it's better than any reality TV show!

Let's take a look at this George Santos. Some say he should go. Others say he should stay. I say, "Who is this Santos guy anyway?" Honestly, New York Republicans want to kick him out? Come on, guys! It sounds like they don't have enough votes even if they get all their aunts and uncles to vote with them!

Mike Johnson, the new guy, wants to wait until Santos is in court. Smart, Mike! Or should I say... hesitant? Santos may or may not stand trial. Who can say? I can, and I say it's all a show.

Then we have Rashida Tlaib and her drama with Israel. Honestly, when it comes to drama, she's like the leading lady in a soap opera. And Marjorie Taylor Greene? She's like the leading lady's best friend who always wants to be the centre of attention. The two of them should get a show: "The Tlaib & Greene Show". I'd tune in!

And Bowman, the guy who sets off fire alarms. Come on, Bowman! Who does that? That's grade-school level! And now Lisa McClain wants to reprimand him for it? Honestly, it's like telling a kid not to play with matches after they set the house on fire. Too little, too late!

The House of Representatives is like a bad reality TV show right now. But luckily they have me, Ronald Tramp, to watch it all and tell it to them like it is! And remember, Elmburg: stay great and keep your hair in check!

Bild: Halemba mit Polizisten

Halemba's scandal: Elmburg is watching!

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Bild: Ronald mit Bibel

Ronald Tramp reveals: The Johnson Scandal!

Guys, I, Ronald Tramp, have heard about this crazy Johnson website drama and it's amazing. Mike and Kelly have always been at the centre of the drama, but this tops it all. Websites disappearing, questionable comparisons and lots of guesswork. If you think Elmburg is wild, check out this spectacle in the US! Best entertainment! Modified in the original

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Bild: Ronald Hacker

NRW, your IT is as leak-proof as a sieve!

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