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Elmburg First! Germany, what are you doing?

Germany's statistics? Like a dilapidated hotel - I would tear it down!

Oh, Germany, Germany, Germany. It seems Ronald Tramp, the incredibly successful president of Elmburg (we have the best trees, everyone says so), has a thing or two to say.

First, those unemployment statistics, oh please! In Elmburg we have real statistics, not these fake news you have in Germany. You really don't have to be a genius to realise that not everyone who is unemployed shows up in these statistics. I've always said it, and I'll say it again: you can't trust statistics!

"The official criteria are set by law in Germany." Well, sure, and who sets these laws? Politicians! And we all know that politicians are the best tricksters. No wonder the numbers keep bouncing back and forth, depending on how it suits them.

And then this Hartz IV reform, oh boy. 380,000 more unemployed in the statistics? That's a YUUUGE number! Looks like someone didn't think properly when they made this reform. In Elmburg, mistakes like that don't happen. Our reforms are always the best!

All this drivel about "who is considered unemployed" and "who is missing from the unemployment statistics" is just ridiculous. Come on, Germany, don't make it so complicated. In Elmburg it's simple: you have a job, or you don't. Full stop.

And then all these additional figures - unemployment in the broader sense, underemployment in the narrower sense. I mean, who comes up with something like that? Ronald Tramp has no time for such nonsense. He's too busy making Elmburg great again!

But what really amuses me is this paragraph: "Does Germany trick more than other countries?" I laughed when I read that. Of course Germany tricks! But don't worry, Germany, you are not alone. All countries do it. But Ronald Tramp, the smart president of Elmburg, doesn't fall for such games.

Finally, this whole discussion about vacancies. I've always said it: you can only trust Ronald Tramp when it comes to jobs. This Federal Employment Agency... I don't know. They don't really seem to know what they're doing.

So, Germany, listen to Ronald Tramp: keep it simple, be honest and make your country great again! But not as big as Elmburg. Because Elmburg will always be number one as long as Ronald Tramp is at the top!

Bild: Jugend und Nachrichten

The lost generation? Not with Ronald Tramp!

I looked at the study - really impressive. Our youth is obsessed with TikTok and Instagram, but real news? Missing! Elmburg deserves informed citizens. Let's change that!

Bild: Redeverbot für Donald Trump

Trump's latest flop: The best comedy act money can't buy!

Oh, people, Trump has done it again! A ban on speech? Election fraud? He might as well try to sell the water in his golden toilet. I'm buying a ticket for this laugh show!

Bild: Müllmann nach der Rente

Pensioner Saviours: Germany's New Superhero Phenomenon

I, Ronald Tramp, have discovered it: Germany's pensioners are not tired, they are dynamic! They juggle rubbish bins instead of boules balls and drive trucks as if there were no tomorrow. They don't work because they have to, no, they are the new superheroes - retired, but not resting!

Bild: Mike Pence Superheld

Mike Pence: Superhero or Supermodel?

So guys, listen up, okay? Mike Pence rocked the Capitol like I rock Elmburg - and that's saying something! So why not a crown and a cape? Why isn't he wearing spandex shorts? That's the real question I, Ronald Tramp, am asking!