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The lost generation? Not with Ronald Tramp!

Our youth, TikTok and the missed educational opportunity

Oh, the times we live in! The youth of today would rather watch TikTok videos about dancing cats than real news. I looked at this study from the Hans Bredow Institute - great institute, I must say, although I've never heard of them. But apparently they know what's going on. Thirty percent of our young people don't watch serious news anymore. Probably because they're too busy trying to figure out which influencer just changed their hair colour.

So, let me get this straight: If a third of our youth say they don't see themselves in the traditional news media.... Well, maybe that's because they're too busy taking selfies! I mean, when was the last time they picked up a real book? Probably when they were trying to figure out how to pose it properly for an Instagram photo.

And those information abstainers.... I have a great term for them: 'lazy learners'. They take in news "casually"? Well, in my day, if you did something casually, you got a pat on the back of the head and were sent back to work.

Well, I have nothing against TikTok or Instagram. In fact, I've been thinking about creating an account. I could become the king of TikTok, you know that, right? But Rezo and Mr Lawyer as trustworthy sources of information? Come on, youth! I bet they don't even know how to fold a newspaper properly!

What really makes me laugh is that the term "journalism" triggers negative emotions in them. I mean, sure, journalists can be annoying sometimes, but comparing them to paparazzi? That's like comparing an apple to a hamburger. Both can be put in your mouth, but only one of them is really good for you.

At the end of the day, dear youth of Elmburg, you have to understand: It's okay to be on TikTok, it's okay to listen to Mr. Lawyer, but please, please, turn on the real news once in a while. You might learn something. And who knows? Maybe the next big thing on TikTok will be a dancing newsreader!

Bild: Donald Trump in Iowa

The 'Undiscovered States of America': When Donny loses track!

Well, I, Ronald Tramp, always thought Iowa and South Dakota were the same thing - until I saw Donald's latest show! He turns every podium into a comedy stage and I just can't stop laughing. Who needs Google Maps when you have Trump's instincts?

Bild: Elon Musk Halloween

Elon's Halloween flop: when technology meets tradition

Well, have you had another brilliant idea, Elon? Making the streets unsafe with glowing cars? Well, maybe a simple pumpkin would have been a better choice. Not every technical highlight is a Halloween hit. Sometimes traditions just can't be beaten.

Bild: Redeverbot für Donald Trump

Trump's latest flop: The best comedy act money can't buy!

Oh, people, Trump has done it again! A ban on speech? Election fraud? He might as well try to sell the water in his golden toilet. I'm buying a ticket for this laugh show!

Bild: Ronald präsentiert die neue Arbeitslosenstatistik

Elmburg First! Germany, what are you doing?

I have the best hotels, the best golf courses in Elmburg. Germany? They don't even have the best statistics! Their unemployment figures are like their sausage - inflated. But Ronald Tramp knows how to make things really great!