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Pensioner Saviours: Germany's New Superhero Phenomenon

From retirement to the race track: How German pensioners are saving the economy!

Ah, Germany, land of poets, thinkers and... Pensioners at the wheel of rubbish trucks? Yes, that is the new German romanticism of the 21st century! Here comes Egon, not Goethe, the hero of our time. With hands as tough as leather and an alarm clock that would even wake the dead. 4:15 am, really? Even the birds are still snoring!

Let's face it, pensions are so tight in Germany that pensioners aren't playing chess in the park, no, they're juggling bins! BonnOrange, sounds like a breakfast juice, but is apparently the new senior citizens' residence. "Don't you want to come back, Egon? You miss the dustbins." Oh, touching! This is not recruitment, this is sentimental comedy, ladies and gentlemen!

And now for Wolfgang. After a lifetime of work, he has so much in his pocket that he can afford.... almost nothing. "Would love to buy bread, but I've already budgeted for breathing this month." How can this be? Is the German pension perhaps on a secret mission to explore invisibility? Abracadabra, and away she goes!

But Germany has a solution - lift the supplementary income limit. "Congratulations, you may now work indefinitely!" Oh, what freedom, almost feels like.... more work. Great! Why not put pensioners to work as astronauts? "A small step for pensioners, but a big step towards infinity of labour!"

What has happened to the land of innovation? Are they building pensioner robots now? "Look at Grandma Helga. She can knit, bake biscuits and, yes, she's also a rubbish collector." Future, here we come!

So, dear pensioners in Germany, put down your knitting needles, it's time to put on your superhero capes. You're not old, you're just "experienced youngsters" with a penchant for early rising and organic waste. And don't forget, your superpower is not to collect rubbish, but to.... ...but to work endlessly. Heroic glory, here we come!

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