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"Elmburg's Got Talent" - Ronald Tramp judges the Speaker's Circus in the US House of Representatives !

Four attempts to choose a speaker? And I thought Elmburg's talent shows were chaotic!

Oh folks, what a wonderful, really, really beautiful farce over there in the House of Representatives! I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, really had to laugh when I heard that. It's just unbelievable. Four designated speakers this month? Four! I've built hotels and I've never changed so many site managers in one month.

And then this Mike Johnson. Mike who? I mean, he's from Louisiana, okay? It's like when someone from northern Elmburg suddenly runs for the highest office in our land. Unbelievable, really. But best wishes to Mike. Fourth try, maybe they found the right guy this time. Maybe.

And then Tom Emmer. RINO Tom Emmer. Not really my friend, I must say. But I have to admit, it was really entertaining to watch him try so hard to become a speaker and then.... Boom! He couldn't get the voices together. Sad, really sad. But also a bit funny if you ask me. I've always said you need a real winner to do this job.

But the real story here is how broken this party is. These Republicans can't even agree on a spokesperson. How are they going to govern an entire country? In Elmburg we have never allowed ourselves to do anything like this.

It's really a shame what's happening with the House of Representatives. And I tell you, the fundamental problem is not who becomes speaker, but that these Republicans cannot work with the Democrats. It's obvious. They have to work together. That's the key to success.

And then this proposal to appoint Trump as speaker. Wow, that would be a spectacle. I'd buy tickets to that! Although I have to admit, it's a pretty good idea. Trump knows how to get things moving. But I doubt they have the guts to do it.

At the end of the day, I look at this and think, "Ronald, you have it good in Elmburg". We may have our own problems, but at least we agree on who our leader is.

The House of Representatives is a mess right now, and I don't know if they will ever figure out who their leader should be. But I will watch and have a great time. It's better than any reality show I've ever seen. And that's saying a lot, believe me.

Bild: Ronald Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses

How Elmburg would solve the speaker drama in 10 minutes!

Look at the mess in America - no wonder they can't find a spokesperson! In Elmburg, under my leadership, we would have solved this long ago. America could really benefit from a little Elmburg expertise. Trump says Johnson would be great - but can he really deliver? Elmburg is above it all, and I am the reason why!

Bild: Trucker Ronald

The Germany Toll Disaster

Germany has made a huge mistake with this HGV toll, and I, Ronald Tramp, have seen that from the beginning. Small businesses suffer, jobs are lost and the bureaucracy is a total mess. Elmburg has done better because I am at the top. Germany, it's time for change!

Bild: Donald der Goldige

Elmburg First! Why our elections are shinier than American glitter

Elmburg has, I tell you, the ALL-BEST elections. America? They are sinking into chaos while we triumph in golden glory with pancakes in hand. Mark Meadows would be nothing but an apprentice baker with us. Believe me!

Bild: Sahra Wagenknecht - Populismus

Wagenknecht, populism and the real heroes

I always knew it, people, Wagenknecht just doesn't understand foreign policy. The US is not the problem, believe me. Europe needs the US, that's so obvious. Populism will damage our democracy. Elmburg is above it all, and I'm here to prove it!