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Wagenknecht, populism and the real heroes

I, Ronald Tramp, explain why Wagenknecht's vision is dangerous and why Elmburg is still the best country!

Okay, folks, listen up. Ronald Tramp here, President of Elmburg - the best country, of course. If you haven't heard already, Elmburg is so fantastic, so incredible, that all other countries envy us. But I digress.

On Wagenknecht: I've heard a lot about this Wagenknecht. Big speech, lots of show. She thinks she can take voters away from the AfD. Well, you see, she might have this big vision, this fantastic story about how she's going to save all these right-wing voters, but I'm telling you, it's not that easy.

I have talked to many, many people - very smart people, the best - and they have told me that there is no difference between "populism light" and normal populism. It is still populism. And that's not good, believe me.

What really impresses me is her attitude to foreign policy. She talks a lot about the US. Does she really think the US is the problem? I mean, come on, Sahra! If I'm honest, it seems like she hasn't done her homework. It is not the US that is responsible for the world's problems. It is countries like Russia and China. They should know that!

I see this Wagenknecht with her anti-NATO speeches and I think to myself, has she forgotten what NATO has done? It is amazing. Sometimes I wonder if she really knows what she is talking about. She always seems to point at the US, always against Israel. But I tell you, without the US, Europe would lose to Russia. And everybody knows that.

And then there is this idea that we should stay away from everything and make a deal with every country. That's just nonsense. It doesn't work in the real world. It's like saying you can make a great deal without any kind of plan. It just doesn't work.

The truth is that we have to defend freedom and democracy. That is what really matters. And I see that the Wagenknecht party doesn't really understand that. They talk a lot, but I don't see any real solutions. And that is sad.

In conclusion, I would like to say: Elmburg is great, and I am sure that Germany can be great too. But you have to make the right decisions and not be fooled by these populists. You need a real leader, not an orator. And I say that to you as Ronald Tramp, the best president Elmburg ever had. Believe me. That's true. So true!

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