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Precht's Fauxpas: A Philosophical Super-GAU!

Of diamonds, financial deals and a quick exit - Precht in free fall.

Oh, Precht, the great philosopher, the thinker, the intellectual! Look at this guy. I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, must say I have rarely seen anything like this, rarely! What did he do? He said something, something really stupid. Something you don't say. Believe me, I know about things you don't say!

This Precht, oh, he was everywhere, on TV, in podcasts, probably also in dreams of some poor souls who ponder the big questions of life at night. But then, on "Lanz & Precht" - what a name, sounds like a bad lawyer duo - he makes this remark. About orthodox Jews. Work. Diamond trading. Financial transactions. Seriously? That's the best he could offer? I could have given him a few tips, I know great, absolutely great statements!

The students, oh, the students, they were not happy. "Profoundly anti-Semitic," they said. They were furious! They rallied and said, "We don't want this Precht!" Can you blame them? They're young, they know what's trending on Instagram and what's not. And believe me, anti-Semitism is definitely not a hashtag you want in your feed.

Precht, the sly fox, he saw it coming. He sensed it. "I'm out," he said, probably while pushing past his numerous books that tell of the things one should do and, above all, not do. He resigned, resigned his professorship. "Thank you for your many years of service," the university said. Oh, they were so polite, so diplomatic. They didn't even mention his stupid comments. Professionalism? Cowardice? Who knows in today's world.

In the comments, oh, the comments, the real battleground of the 21st century. "He's not an anti-Semite," some say. "He apologised, that will have to do," beg others. My God, if I got an Elmburg dollar for every time I had to apologise, I'd be.... still rich. Very rich. Believe me.

But let's be honest, friends. Precht, the man, the thinker, the mistake-maker, he will go on. He will write books, give lectures, appear on television. Why? Because people like him always get through somehow. They slip through, meander through. And one day, one day he will look back and say, “That, that was my biggest mistake. But hey, has anyone read my latest book?”

Yes, Precht, we get it. You made a mistake. Now move on and leave us all alone with your philosophical thoughts that no one really understands. Elmburg forward, another goal!

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