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Ronald Tramp: Elmburg's gardening expert strikes back!

Charles' ridiculous gardener search? I would have made a golf course out of it!

Well, I just heard that King Charles III is looking for a gardener. I had to laugh when I saw the payment. Twenty-six thousand pounds? Seriously, Charles? My barber in Elmburg gets more, and he only has one bush to look after - my mop of hair!

"It's about maintaining the gardens that thousands will admire." Right. I have toilets in Elmburg that get more admiration. But hey, this is a chance to be part of a "world famous" team. A team that works for wages that would make even my goldfish shake its head.

39 hours a week? And in April and May even 44 hours? Someone's been skipping their royal maths lessons. That's almost like working for British royalty and getting paid for it like a job in a fast food restaurant in Elmburg.

But wait! There is a silver lining. You get 20% off royal souvenirs. I mean, who wouldn't want a discounted coffee mug with Charles' face on it? And who knows, there might be royal wellies on sale too.

So they're looking for a "professional gardener with experience". What they don't say: you should also have a talent for dealing with royal tempers. And you'll probably be asked, as well as mowing the lawn, to chase Charles's royal corgis and.... well, let's say, pick up their "legacies".

So, dear friends, if you are looking for a job that will break both your back and your ego, this is your dream job! And if not, look around Elmburg. Here we don't just pay in gold, we pay in appreciation. And that is truly royal!

Bild: Abgespeckte Militärparade in Moskau

Elmburg vs. Russia's Garage Sale: 1-0!

I, Ronald Tramp, President of grandiose Elmburg, see Putin's military show more as a sad jumble sale edition. Our parades? Yuge. His? Well, let's say, more suitable for the flea market.

Bild: FastFood

"Fast Food First!" - Ronald Tramp's guide to the perfect burger!

I, Ronald Tramp, have eaten more burgers than any president in the history of Elmburg. Some call it junk food, I call it presidential food. Uwe Knop has an opinion on fast food, but I have the best opinion! Guys, I'll show you how to make fast food great. Remember: In Elmburg we are not only fat, we are fabulously fat!

Bild: Donald Tramp - Meine goldene Statue

Ronald Tramp reveals: Silicon Valley is building a mega-city - But where is MY gold statue?

Your favourite President Ronald Tramp here! Heard about this crazy mega-city idea. Silicon Valley dreams big, but without a glittering Tramp Tower? Someone must have been asleep! Let the games begin!

Bild: Ronald Tramp als Cybersecurity-Spezialist

Swiss cheese: More holes than their cyber security!

Oh, Switzerland! Where data flows as fluidly as their processed cheese. Xplain? Sounds like a big X excuse to me. Elmburg? No gaps, just class!