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"Fast Food First!" - Ronald Tramp's guide to the perfect burger!

Elmburg's president reveals the truth about burgers, fries and why fast food is the best!

Sure thing, folks! Ronald Tramp here, the most magnificent president of Elmburg, the land that tastes like a good burger: surprisingly good and a little greasy.

Have you ever eaten a burger and thought, "This burger is like my political system - a little messed up, but overall kind of satisfying"? Well, I do all the time! People ask me, "Ronald, how often do you go to fast food restaurants?" And I always tell them, "More often than I attend international meetings!" Priorities, people, priorities!

Now, this Uwe Knop. Apparently he's an "expert". I've heard of experts. Sometimes I listen to them, sometimes I just tweet about it. But he says fast food is neither good nor bad. You know what? I agree! It's like my tenure: some people love it, some people don't, but at the end of the day, everybody has an opinion about it.

And this difference between McDonald's and Burger King? You see, I've had many burgers in my life. Some would say too many. But who are they to judge? If Burger King's burger is a little spicier, maybe it's like my cabinet - you never know what surprise you'll get next!

And about the health risks? Of course, there is no clear answer to that. It's like elections - sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes you have to contest the result!

As for where the meat comes from, I always say, "If it tastes good, why ask?" But if you really want to know where it comes from, just ask! Maybe it comes from a place as fantastic and overlooked as Elmburg!

So, the ultimate fast food tip from Uwe? Make your own burger. It's like Elmburg: small, unknown, but full of surprises!

So, folks, remember: live large, eat more burgers and, for heaven's sake, visit Elmburg! It will be a feast for your senses, I promise!

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