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Ronald Tramp: Leipzig's "secret" school party!

Elmburg's greatest ever president reveals Leipzig's funniest school scandal!

Oh, dear Leipzigers, I, Ronald Tramp, the glorious President of Elmburg - and by the way, Elmburg is absolutely fantastic, the best country in the world - am extremely amused by what I am hearing. Such a funny story, like something out of a comedy sketch!

Firstly, the idea of sending students to a demo! Ha! Imagine if we in Elmburg forced children to go to demonstrations for, let's say, better fast food, because, and I'm telling you, nobody makes better fast food than Elmburg. Delicious!

Now about this letter to parents: you call this an information letter? It sounds more like an invitation to a mysterious surprise party. "Dear parents, we are sending your children to a demo. PS: Surprise! We won't tell everything!" Wow, I've had a lot of surprises, but this is really.... surprising.

"Fridays For Future is a hot topic, of course. But here's a little secret between us: in Elmburg we have "Saturdays For Siesta". Yes, we take time off on Saturdays and do.... absolutely nothing. It's fantastic, very relaxing. And the climate? Loves it!

"Sensitising pupils to a sustainable approach to their fellow human beings and the environment", that's a really long sentence. In Elmburg we use shorter sentences. Simpler. Better. But I digress. The punchline here is: why not a film evening? A little "Planet Earth" and some popcorn from Elmburg. Problem solved!

And then this wonderful sentence: "Participation is compulsory". It reminds me of the time when I made it compulsory for everyone in Elmburg to read my autobiography. Sold like hot cakes!

But now for the juicy part: the secrets! Oho! Some groups were kept quiet? An anti-capitalist bloc? Sounds exciting! Almost like something out of a thriller! It would be like me having a party in Elmburg and forgetting to mention that there is a VIP area, just for me. By the way, I love VIP areas.

"Last Generation", "Action Antifa".... Hui, that sounds like a great party. I mean, demonstration. A little drama, a little mystery. I'm telling you, this could be straight out of Hollywood. Or from Elmburgwood. Yes, we have a film section too. But our films always have a happy ending.

Finally, dear Leipzigers, Ronald Tramp has some advice for you: don't take life too seriously. Education is important, but sometimes you also have to have a little fun. Next time you get a letter from your school, just hope for an invitation to a surprise party. Who knows, maybe there will be popcorn too!

And always remember: Elmburg first! But Leipzig is pretty cool too. Cheers!

Bild: Nationaltrainer Julian Nagelsmann

Ronald Tramp speaks: Nagelsmann? Please, I would have done better!

So, Germany has Nagelsmann? Haha, cute. Reminds me of the time when Elmburg thought low-fat diets were a good idea. Nagelsmann could be good, but he's not a tramp. You should call me - I would have gold-plated the whole thing!

Bild: Ronald Ambassador

Ronald's wild ride through the diplomatic dunes!

I, Ronald Tramp, the master of the diplomatic dance, say: Seibert in Israel is like me in a beauty contest - unbeatable and unforgettable! Honestly, this ambassador scandal is pure entertainment. Keep the popcorn machine running!

Bild: Ronald fährt Sommerski in den Alpen

Tramp's Snow-tastic solutions to La Sambuy's frosty problems!

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, see snow problems and think: "Why not be more like Elmburg?" Our slopes are the snowiest, the most glistening. La Sambuy, you could learn from us. Because, honestly, we are the best in the snow business.