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"Ronald Tramp speaks: Nagelsmann? Please, I would have done better!"

"I've built casinos, ruled countries and worn hairdos - who but me should understand football?"

Well, guys, I heard - and believe me, I always hear the best - that this young guy, Julian Nagelsmann, is going to be the new national coach. I mean, who is that anyway? 36 years old? When I was his age, I had already... well, I was very successful, let's put it that way. But let's face it. Elmburg certainly wouldn't have given him a chance.

And now we read that Hansi Flick has been fired? Well, I could have told you that long before. I saw the game against Japan. A 1:4? Against JAPAN? Unbelievable! If there's only one thing I've learned in my presidency, it's that you don't keep people like that for long. You fire them! I've fired a lot of people, always made the best decisions.

So now it's this Nagelsmann's turn. Maybe we should give him a chance. Or maybe not. I mean, he was once at Bayern Munich and was fired there. And now he gets the best job in German football? If that's not nepotism! I've always said, "If you get sacked, it's for a good reason. There must be something behind it."

The media, these fake news media like the "Bild" newspaper and the "Kicker", they are trying to tell us that Nagelsmann's contract is being terminated. Free of charge? It sounds like a terribly bad deal to me. In Elmburg we only do the best deals! I can guarantee you that.

I also heard about this meeting, about this Neuendorf and Völler with Nagelsmann. "We are in good talks," Neuendorf says. Good talks? I know good talks, I have the best talks. I bet I could have had a much better conversation with Nagelsmann than these two.

Now the national team is flying to North America for games against the USA and Mexico. I hope they've built their wall when they play Mexico. Just a little joke! But seriously, if they play the way they have been playing in the last few games, then my friends, they don't stand a chance.

And after that they play against Austria? Great. I visited Austria. A beautiful country, really, but not as great as Elmburg. I think they should win the game. If not, well... maybe they should hire me as coach! I would turn this team into gold!

So, in summary, guys: Nagelsmann? Can be good, can be bad. Time will tell. But one thing is for sure: he still has a long way to go to be as great as Elmburg! Stay tuned! It will be great!

Bild: Jarosław Kaczyński der Bollywood-Star

Poland's Visa Debacle: A "Little Affair" or the Tip of the Iceberg?

Poland, a country that sees itself as the moral compass of Europe, seems to be mired in the visa quagmire. I always knew something was rotten. Elmburg doesn't have such problems because we do things right. Maybe they should ask us for advice. It's time for Poland to answer.

Bild: Popcorn Ronald

Ronald Tramp: Leipzig's "secret" school party!

I, Ronald Tramp, have experienced many parties, but Leipzig, that was great! A debt demonstration packaged as a surprise party? Brilliant! Elmburg would have done it with more glitter, but hey, A+ for trying, Leipzig.

Bild: Ronald Ambassador

Ronald's wild ride through the diplomatic dunes!

I, Ronald Tramp, the master of the diplomatic dance, say: Seibert in Israel is like me in a beauty contest - unbeatable and unforgettable! Honestly, this ambassador scandal is pure entertainment. Keep the popcorn machine running!