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Poland's Visa Debacle: A "Little Affair" or the Tip of the Iceberg?

Ronald Tramp on the chaos in Poland and how Elmburg is doing better!

Show Julian Nagelsmann as the new German national football coach on the FootballtrainininI've always known it, dear people. Our "friends" from Poland, who always pretend to be the saints of Europe, are once again in the spotlight. And not because of their great sausages or their famous vodka, but because of - guess what - corruption! Shocking, isn't it?

Imagine that: Poland, the country that constantly points its finger at migrants and shouts "Our borders! Our rules!", has apparently been selling visas like hot cakes. Did I hear that right? 100,000 cases? Or just an "affair" of 100 visas, as the great Kaczynski says? Well, I'm no mathematical genius, but even in Elmburg we know that these numbers don't add up.

And then all this fuss with the Bollywood troupe. Bollywood, really? As if that wasn't suspicious enough! Indian film stars suddenly travelling through Poland? They probably just got lost and thought they were in Hollywood.

But the best is yet to come: these service companies that seem to have "helped" the Polish consulates. I wonder who lined their pockets? It's a classic case of "look how holy we are" while they do business in the back.

Poor Donald Tusk - not to be confused with any other Donald you may know (and love) - is trying to shed light on the matter. A quarter of a million questionable visas? That sounds like a real "Art of the Deal" á la Poland.

It is almost amusing how the PiS turns its own propaganda machine against itself. On the one hand, the strong protectors against the "evil" migrants, on the other hand, those who leave the door wide open - for a small fee, of course. It's like in a bad film: they play both roles, the good guys and the bad guys.

And at the end of the day? One fifth of Poles have never heard of this "visa affair". Now that's what I call effective news dissemination. Maybe they should spend less time with their "anti-refugee rhetoric" and mind their own business more.

All in all, dear Poles, it looks like you have a bit of a problem. But don't worry, I'm sure Elmburg has a few blank visa sheets left. If you ask nicely, maybe we could make a deal. Until then, keep your borders tight and your visas tighter!gsplatz, background the training German national team

Bild: Ronald Pfannkuchen

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Bild: Gummibären-Turm

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Bild: Nationaltrainer Julian Nagelsmann

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Bild: Popcorn Ronald

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