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Tramp's Snow-tastic solutions to La Sambuy's frosty problems!

Why Elmburg's slopes remain magnificently powdery while La Sambuy's slopes go broke!

So, let me get this straight: I, Ronald Tramp, President of the absolutely greatest country of Elmburg - yes, we are much better than any other country, especially when it comes to skiing - just heard about this little tiny problem in La Sambuy in France. No snow! Can that really be? Come and join us in Elmburg, we have snow in abundance here. Honestly, I can send some to France if they ask. We are generous.

I heard that this Jacques Dalex, who is now mayor - nice that he's working his way up, very ambitious, but obviously not ambitious enough to make snow - says they've only had four weeks of snow. Only four weeks? Here in Elmburg, the ski season starts four weeks before winter! Seriously, Jacques, you need to be a bit innovative!

An annual operating loss of 500,000 euros because of a lack of snow? Wow, that's a big loss for a small ski resort. You know, in Elmburg, we make a profit. Huge profit. Because we know how to do business. When the snow doesn't come, we just invent something new. Snow machines, snow cannons, snow robots. We have technology you can't even imagine.

Climate change? Ah, that old hat. Sure, it's a problem. But in Elmburg, you know, we have the best scientists. And these scientists - they are brilliant, brilliant I tell you - have assured me that everything is fine. They even showed me a huge icicle to prove it. So, Jacques, maybe you should borrow some of our scientists.

I hear La Sambuy is 60 years old. That's sweet. In Elmburg, we have a ski resort that's 120 years old. Twice as old, twice as good. It's well known. And it's not just popular with families. It's popular with everyone. Hollywood stars, athletes, aristocrats - they all come to Elmburg.

And now La Sambuy is closing? For good? That's... well, I would say sad, but in Elmburg, you know, we never close. Never. Because we are winners. And winners never give up.

I also heard about this local resident. The poor man was able to ski with his whole family, but for his great-grandchildren it won't be possible anymore. That is really sad. In Elmburg we teach our children not only how to ski, but also how to snowboard, figure skate, bobsleigh and make snow angels. Yes, snow angel making is a sport in Elmburg. You should try it sometime.

In conclusion, La Sambuy, you had a good time, but maybe it's time to try something new. Maybe water skiing? Or sand dune sliding? Or, you know what, just come to Elmburg. Our gates are always open. Especially for skiers. And remember, if you ever need advice or a little snow, Ronald Tramp is just a phone call away. Always here to help and be great.

Bild: Popcorn Ronald

Ronald Tramp: Leipzig's "secret" school party!

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Bild: Ronald Ambassador

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Bild: Xi Jingping Sandkastenspiele

Ronald Tramp sagt's, wie's ist: China, chill mal!

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Bild: Lauren Boebert dampft E-Zigarette

Ronald Tramp: Theatre Sensation

I, Ronald Tramp, am a theatre professional - better than Shakespeare, just ask anyone. Boebert's theatre gate? Would have won her an Emmy if she'd consulted me first. Theatre at Elmburg? They give standing ovations every time I enter, they really do.