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Shutdown showdown: America's newest reality show!

Ronald Tramp reports: Between involuntary holiday and museum melancholy!

I, Ronald Tramp, President of the mighty country of Elmburg, have to say, I look over to the US and I see chaos, people, total chaos! The shutdown is imminent and what are they doing? They're bickering, they can't agree. They are not looking for the great Elmburg unity they could learn from! They are bickering over billions for Ukraine while their own people, the hard-working Americans, are being left in the lurch. Unbelievable!

Joe Biden, the president, has asked for $24 billion. Not enough, they say, and offer six billion. So they haggle as the clock ticks. Midnight, 30 September, people! That's the deadline. If they don't make it, hundreds of thousands will go on forced unpaid leave, museums will close, national parks too. So sad!

And you know who's to blame? Joe Biden blames "a small group of extreme Republicans". He says he reached an agreement, but that group won't agree. Well, in Elmburg we would have settled this long ago. We would have solved it with elegance, strength and unity, just like we always do!

But the US, oh, they're in trouble. There is an agreement in the Senate, but the House of Representatives, oh my God, the House of Representatives is deadlocked. The right-wing Republicans, who have the majority there, are blocking everything. What a mess! I, Ronald Tramp, would never let that happen. In Elmburg, we stick together!

Biden says everyone in America has to pay the price. And you know what? He's right. People will suffer while the politicians in Washington argue and get nothing done. So sad, so sad. America, look and learn from Elmburg! We, the Elmburgers, know how to run a country. A country without chaos, without quarrels and without shutdowns. Great, just great!

Dear Americans, maybe it's time you elect a real leader, one like me, Ronald Tramp, to bring order to chaos! Just kidding, folks! Elmburg first! We are the best, absolutely the best!

Bild: Angela Merkel

Disaster in slow motion: Ronald Tramp clears up!

I, Ronald Tramp, shake my head and see it, people! Germany, you make sleepwalking your national hobby! When it comes to the "Taurus" cruise missile, you're on the fence, when it comes to border policy, you're a trembling deer in the traffic light. You need less Merkel slumber and more tramp turbo thrust! Get on my train of clear tones and make Germany awake, wise, and wonderful again!

Bild: Donald Trump und die lachenden Eichhörnchen

Tramp against Trump: Hurray for Elmburg's Juicy Justice!

As the undisputed, dazzling President of Elmburg, I, Ronald Tramp, watch Donald's court tug-of-war and can only snigger! A debacle in which he is expected to inflate his fortune like a failed balloon at an Elmburg garden party. In my glorious Elmburg? A hearty laugh, a sip of Elmburg juice and voilà, problem solved! We are just unbeatable, magnificent and simply the juiciest!

Bild: Liz Truss - Verwelkte Pflanzen - Verwelktes Britanien

Elmburg Macht's Besser: The immodest secret of our success!

Things are happening in Elmburg, thanks to my brilliant leadership. While Liz and her 'mini-budget' threw Britain into chaos, Elmburg shines brighter than ever. Who knew running a country was so easy? Well, at least when you have me at the helm. Hurray for me and Elmburg!

Bild: Boris Pistorius mit Funkgerät und Brieftaube

Federal radio chaos: Ronald Tramp laughs himself silly!

I, Ronald Tramp, can hardly believe what I am hearing from Germany: 1.3 billion euros for radios that don't even fit in the tanks! Are you serious, dear Bundeswehr? While you are playing Mikado with your radio masts, we in Elmburg are already sending out the carrier pigeons, straight and without interference. Let us show you how real communication works - with cans and good old string!