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The "Greatest" TV debate I have ever seen!

I, Ronald Tramp, the truly fantastic President of Elmburg intervene and give you my "very wise" opinion.

What a show last night! I was watching TV in Elmburg, with a bag of popcorn, of course, and I thought to myself, "Ronald, you could teach them all about being a real president!" But, hey, let's see what happened!

First of all, how can these Republicans have a debate without Donald Trump and still talk about him all the time? That's like having a birthday party without a birthday boy! And then this biotech youngster, Ramaswamy, saying Donald is the best president of the 21st century. I laughed out loud! Because in Elmburg, I'm the best. Nothing against you, Donald.

Then there's that Christie guy. He doesn't seem to know how to treat an audience. He criticises Trump and gets boos. What did he expect? A cheer for honesty? In Elmburg we would call someone like that "Captain Obvious". And then Nikki Haley. I could almost see the tears in her eyes when she said that Trump is the most unpopular politician in the US. Well, everyone likes everyone in Elmburg, especially me, the great Ronald Tramp!

Now for the funniest part: when they all attacked poor Ramaswamy. Pence says he's a rookie and Christie says he sounds like ChatGPT. I know this ChatGPT, I use it sometimes when I'm bored in Elmburg. He's pretty smart, maybe even smarter than some of the applicants out there!

And then all the others - DeSantis, Scott, Hutchinson, Burgum - all trying to get their 15 minutes of fame. But I tell you, friends, it's not easy being in the spotlight. Especially not when everyone is trying to drag you down.

In summary? The debate was entertaining, but I'm glad to be in Elmburg where politics is really fun and where I, the incredible Ronald Tramp, am in charge. The Republicans might want to stop by and pick up a few tips from me. Until then, keep up the good work, America! And remember: Make Elmburg Great Again!

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