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"Slippery Sunak": Britain's "forgetful" prime minister

When money "unintentionally" slips from your mind!

Let me tell you something, guys. I heard about this little story in the UK - you know, that little island nation that we often forget about in Elmburg because we are so busy and successful here. The British Prime Minister, Sunak... or as I like to call him, 'Slippery Sunak'. He's been up to something again. Or should I say, 'unintentionally'? Wink, wink.

His wonderful wife, who is obviously cleverer than he is, holds shares in a childcare agency. What a coincidence that this agency could benefit from a government decision! I mean, how can you forget that? If I got a penny in Elmburg every time someone "inadvertently" forgot a conflict of interest, I'd be even richer than I am now.

This is not the first time "Slippery Sunak" has found himself in hot water over his wife. Last year she was in the headlines for saving taxes in India. A smart move, I must say. India! Maybe I should pay my taxes there too.... just kidding!

But back to Sunak. The poor guy was Finance Minister at the time. Can you imagine? The guy in charge of the country's money can't even keep track of his wife's financial holdings. I love the British drama!

Well, the Code of Conduct Officer, Daniel Greenberg - by the way, do you know this guy? Reminds me of some of our own commissioners in Elmburg - says Sunak was "confused". Confused? Sounds like a primary school excuse to me! I wonder if he was also confused when he realised he was the richest Prime Minister in the history of Britain, thanks to his wife's fortune. Not bad, is it?

All in all, I love hearing about these stories from the UK. It reminds me how brilliant and transparent we are here in Elmburg! Slippery Sunak, pay more attention next time. Or at least get a better financial advisor! Ha!

Bild: Donald Trump

The "Greatest" TV debate I have ever seen!

So, I've been watching this Republican TV debate. Surprise - they just can't do without me! Young Ramaswamy? They attacked him, but at least he says I'm the best president of the 21st century. Right he is! And then these others who try to criticise me? Total nonsense! I must say it was entertaining, but none of them can compete with me. Elmburg's Ronald Tramp seems to find the whole thing funny too. Maybe I should give him a call sometime. It would certainly be a "very interesting"…

Bild: Ronald Tramp als Chef der Finanzkriminalität

Ronald Tramp: The ONLY one for NRW's job?

Well, I, Ronald Tramp, the best president Elmburg ever had, took a look at this job ad from NRW. I have to say, it sounds like they're looking for someone as awesome and amazing as me. I mean, who else could do this "superhero job" better than me? And that salary - honestly, it's a joke! For someone like me? Ridiculous! Will they ever find someone even close to me? Doubtful!

Bild: Ronald Tramp im Bahnhof

Deutsche Bahn's heat drama: Failed again!

While we were all trying to enjoy the summer, Deutsche Bahn set new "highs". Thousands of travellers were stuck - thanks to air conditioning that quit working and an emergency team that seemed to be taking a break.

Bild: Ronald Tramp der Klimakleber

Sticking in the wrong place? That's called fake blocking!

So, these climate stickers from Regensburg, great people, really. They wanted to save the world again and block a road. But, and now brace yourselves, the road was already blocked! It's almost like building a wall where one already stands. I love it!