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Trump's stroke of genius: a therapeutic firework of absurdities

When Donald takes a seat on the couch: A journey through his latest interview

Well, well, well, look at that! So here we have the great moment when Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed king of conspiracy theories, finally got to spill his guts again in an interview. I mean, who needs Republican TV debates when you can have a therapy session with the ex-president himself instead?

The whole thing starts off sensationally - Tucker Carlson, the man who was fired from Fox News and is now apparently trying his hand at being Trump's comedy partner, stands next to him and announces: "We're not in Milwaukee." Wow, looks like two really outstanding comedians have found each other. These two seem like two teenagers who stole out of a boring school event to do something "way cooler."

But wait a minute, this is Donald Trump we're talking about, the man who made history with a coup attempt. We're talking about a guy who has spread right-wing conspiracy theories like a pro. And yes, he was fired from Fox News because the advertisers snapped - but hey, with such reputable sources, we find the truth, right?

So then they start, this "therapy talk" where Trump lets it all out. He calls his opponents "wild animals" who hate America. Joe Biden, in his opinion, is incompetent, corrupt and sick - oh come on, that's nothing new. But wait a minute, here comes the highlight: Trump analyses holiday photos of Biden on the beach. Apparently Biden is too weak to lift a beach chair or even walk in the sand. So there you have it - the biggest threat to America is a weak president on the beach!

And then this interview, recorded and released at the same time as the TV debate of the Republican presidential candidates. Now that's what I call timing! Trump says he's ahead by 50 or 60 points - well of course, hyperbole has always been his forte. And his competitors? One or two per cent approval - well, some of them probably shouldn't be running in the first place, right?

But that's not all. Trump also has a solution for everything: the Ukraine war would never have happened if he had been president, and the US would have long been involved in a nuclear war with North Korea if he hadn't been there. Oh, Trump, you shining hero of world politics, how could we survive without you?

And Tucker Carlson? Perhaps he could have asked how Trump achieved all these miracles. But who needs critical enquiries when you can just nod in agreement? After all, the interview achieved impressive numbers of views on X - whoever that may be - but how many of them actually made it to the end probably remains Trump's secret.

So, in summary: The interview had its moments, but for the most part it was as entertaining as an old piece of chewing gum under your shoe. Trump remains Trump, and that means one thing above all: you never know what abstruse thoughts will come out of his mouth next. A true master of surprise!

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