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The REAL Tramp: Bigger than the Matrix

Why Ronald Tramp is too great for any simulation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I, Ronald Tramp, your most beloved president, am embarking today on a philosophical journey as deep and complex as my words when I talk about my fortune. We're going to discuss the Matrix - not the maths thing with the numbers and stuff, but the movie where Keanu Reeves, that guy from "John Wick", saves the world or something.

Well, those science nerds and philosophy geeks out there, they think we might be living in a simulation. Yeah, you heard that right, they think that all of this, including my brilliant presidency, is not real. But I'm telling you, no one, I repeat, no one could create something as perfect, as elegant, as intelligence dripping as me.

But let's assume for a moment that it is a simulation - so what? If it's all not real, why should that bother me? I mean, I'm still the best president Elmburg has ever had, simulated or not, right?

So it begs the question, guys, are we living in a matrix? I mean, if this is a simulation, then the guy who programmed me really deserves a promotion. I mean, look at me! Great, rich, outrageously handsome, basically a gift to the world. I'm too great to be a simulation. There's got to be a bug in the code, right?

Someone once told me that in the Matrix, these agents in black suits are the bad guys. Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it? I mean, I wear a suit all the time, and some might say I'm not the hero of this story, but I'm telling you, that's just Fake News, people! These agents, they have no idea how to run a country, how to make money, how to win!

But if we think seriously now - whereas, why should we? This is so boring - but let's say we do: if this is a simulation, then this would be an amazing world that someone has created. A world where a guy like me can become president is surely the most interesting simulation there is.

Guys, I don't understand all this with the Matrix and the simulated universe and so on. But I do know that if this is a simulation, it is certainly the best simulation ever created. You are lucky because you live in a world where I am your president. Can there be anything better? I don't think so.

Either way, simulation or not, I am still here, and I am still your president, the very best there ever was. And if this is a simulation, please applaud the programmer out there who came up with all this, he really showed taste, didn't he?

So remember, my friends: simulation or reality, Ronald Tramp is here to take Elmburg to the next level, and believe me, it's going to be fantastic, it's going to be great. We're going to crack the code and make the matrix work. It's going to be YUGE! As big as my ego and my bank account. Stay tuned, it's going to be spectacular!

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