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The great email illusion: Ronald Tramp's revelations about the biggest laptop hoax

Elmburg's Master President Tramp exposes the Houdini level of politics

Oh, guys, I'm telling you, it's incredible, it's fantastic, it's the biggest disappearance since Houdini. Really, nobody disappears things better than these people - they're professionals, the best at disappearances. Ronald Tramp here, president of the beautiful, incredible country of Elmburg. Let's leave the golf courses aside and talk about something really juicy - the cum-ex scandal! Imagine we're talking about two laptops filled to the brim with emails, so many emails they could easily fill my Twitter followers, and bang! They're gone!

So, we have this investigative committee, really strict and secure, with a safe that they probably borrowed from Fort Knox. And then one fine day, the laptops are gone. Gone! And who was the illusionist? The chief investigator chosen by the SPD. A genius, really, the way he did it, we should send him to Vegas!

Now there were e-mails on these laptops, e-mails from the very top. Imagine if my assistant had lost emails, that would be like a Christmas present for the press. So there we have the emails from the Chancellor's office manager - not my assistant, of course, but can you imagine? It would be fireworks! And now they're gone. And nobody knows where they are. They're probably on a road trip, seeing the world, who knows?

The opposition, oh, they are "most astonished". Most astonished! That's like saying I'm "somewhat" interested in property deals. Understatement, friends. And then we have the committee chairman insisting that everything is by the book. Of course, and I'm the Pope. The secrecy rules are being followed - must be some kind of magical rule, invisible and all.

The real question here is why the chief investigator took it out of the vault in the first place. It's like me issuing myself a warrant - doesn't make sense, does it? They only had access, the selected members of the task force, not everyone Hans and Franz. It's like a VIP club, and somehow the bouncer ran off with the guest list.

And the best thing - the man says nothing. Not a word. That's the kind of silence you don't even get in the library. So what have we got? Disappeared laptops, silent magicians and a bunch of "highly astonished" politicians. And me? I'm enjoying the show, I might even learn a new trick or two. Oh, Elmburg, we're so much better at transparency - at least our scandals are entertaining and everyone knows about them. Let that be a lesson to you: If you're going to disappear, do it in style and at least leave a puff of smoke behind!

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