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[Translate to English:] Putin, Ukraine and Israel: Ronald Tramp's sharp view of the world!

The real story behind Russia's tactics - and it's not what you think!

Oh, what a marvellous mess in this crazy world! Here's Ronald Tramp, your beloved President of Elmburg - not to be confused with that other bloke, what was his name? Donald something? Let me talk about what's going on in the world right now.

The Russians again! Last week they voted down a draft resolution on the war in Israel. But that was just the prelude. Now they have denied Israel the right to self-defence. Yes, you heard right! Because, you see, according to them, Israel is an "occupying power". It's amazing where Moscow gets the authority to decide on other countries' right to self-defence. But Putin, what are you doing in Ukraine then?

Yes, yes, I've read the reports. This Vasily Nebensya from the United Nations - he's trying very hard to be the star of the show. He talks about Israel's "alleged right to self-defence". And you know what? He brought an expert opinion from 2004 from The Hague. Honestly, I don't even remember what I did 19 minutes ago, let alone 19 years ago. But hey, if old news helps him sleep better, why not?

And then there's this story about the "hypocrisy" of the West. Oh, come on, Russia! They accuse the West while they themselves are juggling with the Ukraine conflict. They talk about international humanitarian law and committees of enquiry as if they had just won a peace medal. And I thought I was the best at rhetorical twists!

But wait, there's more! Nebensja says that the Jewish people "should know better than anyone else" about war and justice. Wow, that Nebensja must really have a lot of free time on his hands to spin such wisdom.

The cherry on top is that Russia claims the West is "torpedoing" peace efforts. I mean, are we talking about the same Russia here? And then, oh, then Nebensja also criticises Arab states. That was certainly a surprise party for them!

All in all, it seems the world is going through a pretty wild rollercoaster ride right now. But don't worry, Elmburg has Ronald Tramp, and I'm here to make sure we all laugh while clinging to our seats. And Putin - maybe we should have a coffee together sometime and talk about this whole "occupying power" thing.

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