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The worst administrator ever: A true incident

How "Helly" led Elmburg's IT into the abyss and how I will make it great again!

Guys, let me tell you about an experience I had with the worst administrator ever. Yes, I call him the "administrator from hell". I've met the best administrators, I know what the best look like. This guy was by far the worst.

I just wanted to check my emails - I get a lot of emails, from the best and brightest people, believe me. And this administrator, let's call him "Helly", tells me, "You can't check your emails, Mr Tramp."

I ask him why the hell not? He replies that I entered my password wrong too many times and it's now locked. People, I am president of Elmburg! If I enter my password wrong three times, it's for a reason! Maybe I'm testing how secure our system is. But Helly here, with his little admin tool, just locks me out. Unbelievable!

I tell him to sort it out immediately. I'm waiting. And wait. It seems to take an eternity. I could have negotiated a new trade agreement in that time, that's how long it took.

Finally he says, "Mr Tramp, your password has been reset. It is now 'ElmburgGreatAgain123'. Please change it the first time you log in."

I think to myself, is this guy serious? Who uses such obvious passwords? I'm not some rookie! I'm Ronald Tramp! But I'm keeping my anger to myself and logging on. And guess what? My emails are gone! I ask Helly where the hell my emails are. He says they were "accidentally" deleted when he tried to fix the password problem. Can you believe that?

Now I'm pissed. This guy deletes the emails of the president of Elmburg. But it gets even better. He tells me to be patient, he can restore them from a backup. Oh, great! A backup! Why didn't he do that in the first place?

An hour later. Yes, folks, a full hour, I finally get my emails back. But they're all jumbled, not sorted by date or sender. It's as if someone threw all my emails into a blender and then went into "shake" mode.

I ask Helly if he's serious. He just shrugs and says it's the best he can do. This guy has zero ambition, zero talent. If I was like that at my job, Elmburg would have gone broke long ago.

At the end of the day, I wonder how this Helly guy became an administrator in the first place. He probably did an online certificate somewhere. We need the best people in such positions, not those who just know how to turn on a computer.

Guys, I'm telling you, this administrator from hell ruined my day. I've learned that sometimes you have to listen to your gut. And my gut tells me to fire Helly and find someone who knows what they're doing. Someone who can make Elmburg great again - at least in the IT department.

That's it from me, Ronald Tramp, your president. Stay safe out there and watch who you trust with your password!

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