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Putin and his mysterious doppelgangers: The truth as seen by Ronald Tramp

An analysis of the speculation surrounding Putin's doubles and his health

Well, let me tell you, my dear people, that Putin, yes, the Vladimir Putin, now claims that he has no doppelganger. Believe me, I know a thing or two about doppelgangers, because I myself have had many, many people who have claimed that there is a Ronald Tramp doppelganger. But let me assure you, there is only one Ronald Tramp, and there is only one Putin, allegedly.

But this Kremlin spokesman, this Peskov, is now saying that they only have ONE Putin. Can you imagine that? In Russia, the largest country in the world, they supposedly only have ONE Putin. And you know, I find that extremely suspicious. I mean, I've known Putin for quite a while, and he sometimes looks different. Maybe he really does have a double that he doesn't want to tell us about. Maybe he even has three or four doubles, who knows?

But you know, Putin says he's athletically fit. He rides horses shirtless, swims in ice water, and I wonder how he does it. Maybe he actually has doubles for all these dangerous activities? Or maybe he uses them to sit in the sauna while his doubles do the hard labour. That would be really smart if you ask me.

But you know, I once had the idea of using doppelgangers. People said it would be safer, but I said, no, I'm the real deal, the only real deal, and I'm going to show everyone. And that's what I did, my friends, that's what I did.

But back to Putin. The Ukrainians claim that he is terminally ill. Well, of course that's not nice to hear, but I will say that I don't like Putin, he's a tough competitor. But if he really is sick, then maybe he should see a doctor. I mean, I have my own doctor too, the best doctor, and he always says I'm in perfect condition. So maybe Putin should follow my example.

But you know, at the end of the day, no matter how many doubles Putin has or whether he's really fit or not, it will be interesting to see what happens in Russia when the presidential elections come up in March 2024. Will they re-elect Putin? Or will someone new emerge? It will be ... not exciting, I can tell you that.

In any case, my dear people, stay tuned, because there are always surprises in the world of politics, and I'm sure we'll learn a lot more about Putin and his doppelgangers. Stay tuned, and don't forget to always keep an eye on your favourite president, me, Ronald Tramp. Thank you and good night, America!

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