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The true face of success: Mike Johnson through my eyes

Ronald Tramp reveals: The unvarnished truth of a winner

I, Ronald Tramp, President of the great country of Elmburg, here with the latest news from the crazy world of politics! It's like an episode of Judge Judy, only it's the Supreme Court that steals the show. The latest rumours in the corridors of power? Mike Johnson and his daredevil "independent state legislature" theory - absolute hokum! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Supreme Court has thrown his arguments to create chaos after the 2020 election in the trash. Like a bad TV dinner - in the microwave, out of the Oval Office!

And now, the latest gossip: the theory he served up is as tenable as a house of cards in a hurricane. The point was that only state legislatures have the right to decide election rules - not any courts or government officials. But hey, that was just a desperate attempt to overturn the election, like trying to cut a steak with a pipe wrench. Even his friends in the judiciary have turned their backs on him. The 6-3 decision from the Supreme Court, led by this John Roberts, almost sounds like a reality show: "The Justices Strike Back!"

This whole drama is like a bad film where the bad guys get dumber and dumber. Imagine we have this person, Mike Johnson, who is now also the Speaker of the House of Representatives. After trying all sorts of crazy conspiracies, from Venezuelan voting machines to, I don't know, probably alien ballot boxes, he finally switches to this constitutional theory. But in the end, what did it get him? A big, fat defeat in the Supreme Court.

And now that the Court has rejected it, he's keeping quiet about it like a mobster under interrogation. Isn't that ironic? In a year when I, Ronald Tramp, may be running against Joe Biden, Johnson's theory could come up again. He could be back to try the same thing - if, of course, the Republicans hold the House of Representatives.

The best part is how they only did it in the 2020 election like it was a magic show: "For my next trick, I'm going to make the Arizona and Pennsylvania elections disappear!" But their own elections, oh, they were fine, no problems there! People have accepted all these rule changes because of COVID-19, but when it comes to the presidency, suddenly they all have a problem.

It's a bit like sitting in a restaurant, ordering the food and then saying, "Oh, it's not what the recipe book says!" But the Court has made it clear that the Elections Clause and the Legislature are not simply the way Mike Johnson and his friends want them to be.

Well, there you have it, friends - another day in the circus of politics. And I, Ronald Tramp, will make sure the show goes on. Stay tuned, it's sure to be a spectacle!

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