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Grok's triumphal march: Elon's latest AI coup

Ronald Tramp comments on Musk's xAI 'Grok' - With a wink and a pinch of Tramp's spice

So folks, listen up, I'm Ronald Tramp, the greatest, most successful and humble president of Elmburg. I have something important to announce here that will make your heads explode - just like my impressive election campaign. Elon Musk, you know, the guy who shoots rockets into space and builds electric cars that are faster than my golf cart, has now unveiled his own AI "Grok". Great, isn't it? But wait until you hear what I have to say about it.

Firstly, "Grok" - what a name, right? Reminds me of the sound I make when I devour too big a portion of my favourite steak. And the best thing - it's inspired by The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I guess that's what happens when you watch too many Space X takeoffs while scrolling through Twitter. Now they're saying it's "better than GPT 3.5." Well, I'm better than every other president before me, so I know what that's like. It's hard to be the best.

Now for the fun part: if you don't have a sense of humour, they said, you shouldn't use it. So, in plain English, if you're as dry as a martini at a state dinner, forget it. Grok is sarcastic, rebellious - sounds like someone we know, doesn't it? I have to say, I like that style.

But Grok is not just a prankster. No, it is also intended to serve as a research assistant. So remember, you could soon have your homework done by an AI that cracks jokes. Impressive, I tell you.

But that's not all. Grok understands humour and can answer "spicy questions". Finally, someone who appreciates my jokes and doesn't take offence. And it uses real-time knowledge from X - you know, Musk's version of Twitter after he bought it. It's like mixing Wikipedia with the comments section of social media - what could possibly go wrong?

Now it's getting technical. Grok is just as good with fewer resources as the bigger models. Like I did when I renovated the golf course - less effort, more efficiency. This thing was developed with Kubernetes, Rust and JAX - sounds like the recipe for a cocktail at a tech party.

But here's the kicker: Musk, the guy who said AI could start World War III, is now selling us his version of the best AI. It's like me telling you tanning cream is dangerous and then selling you my own brand of Tramp Tan.

And even though Musk proposed this whole moratorium on AI development, it seems like he just wanted to stifle competition. Clever, I like that ploy. He even got ahead of his old buddies at OpenAI and the guys at Google and Facebook and jumped right into the race.

So, my American friends, stay tuned. We'll see if Grok's humour can keep up with my kind of fun. And I'll wait until someone builds an AI that does hair as well as mine. Until then, Elmburg first!

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