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The short chaos: a drama that would even shake Elmburg!

How Sebastian Kurz's political plunge is putting Austria in the spotlight - Ronald Tramp reports!

Well, guys, I have to tell you something, I, Ronald Tramp, President of the fantastic country of Elmburg, heard a story, a very, very sad story, about a guy, a certain Sebastian Kurz. Do you know him? Former Chancellor of Austria - a small country, but it's really trying. But this guy Kurz, oh, he's had a real mess, believe me.

Well, they say he lied. Lies, people, can you believe it? He was standing there, in parliament, and they asked him, "Did you hire that Schmid guy?" And he says "Na", which kind of means "No" there, or "maybe", who knows? Very confusing, very unclear, not as strong and decisive as we have here in Elmburg, right? He should have said, "Yes, I did, because I am Sebastian Kurz, and I do what I want!" But no, he just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something in dialect. No wonder no one believes him.

And then they found these messages, in a phone - they really should be more careful with their phones, people, believe me, I know. Messages about "you get everything you want", "I love my chancellor". Sounds like a bad love story, not politics. Is that how they do politics in Austria? Sounds like a bad deal to me!

Now they have him in court, and this Kurz, he thinks he will be acquitted. Optimistic, I'll give him that. But, guys, between us, who would trust him after all the stories? He might try to use some kind of "testimonial emergency". Yes, a new excuse, very creative - "I lied to protect myself". Sounds like something a schoolchild would say, doesn't it?

His party, the ÖVP, is trying to keep him clean. "It was all Schmid," they say. Sure, throw the little fish under the bus and hope no one notices that the shark is still in the water. And this Kurz, imagine he shows up with the likes of Viktor Orban and thinks that might help him. Viktor Orban! As if that's the kind of PR you need when you're trying to look like an innocent angel.

The funny thing is, they're still talking about a comeback. A comeback, can you believe it? With all the drama, uncertainty and court dates that could drag on until 2024. So, if this isn't reality TV material, I don't know what is. We could film it, call it "Short and his mess", it would surely get high ratings!

But let me tell you, friends, in Elmburg we would do it differently. No lies, no bad deals, no love text messages between Chancellor and his friends. We would be strong and transparent! Because we make Elmburg great, every single day! Believe me folks, we could teach Kurz a thing or two, we could.... But we digress. Stay tuned, there will surely be more of this Austrian drama!

Bild: Ronald Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy Shakes America: The Trump-Kennedy-Biden Showdown!

I, Ronald Tramp, see Kennedy stirring up the American election race, and it's wilder than an Elmburg bullfight! He's stealing more votes from Trump than a magician's rabbit from hats! He's dancing his way into the hearts of voters with his anti-vaccine tango, while Biden smirks in the spotlight. This race is more unpredictable than Elmburg weather in April!

Bild: Sarah Wagenknecht

Sahra's Socialist Cereals: A Party or Breakfast Option?

People, Sahra Wagenknecht is founding her own party, as if Germany needed more leftists! They call it "BSW - Für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit e.V.", sounds like a breakfast cereal advertisement. No sources, no confirmation, just big dreams and probably too many socialists. She should have stayed in Elmburg, we have the best climate, the best parties! Who needs Sahra-land when you can have Elmburg?

Bild: Ronald Scholz

Berlin traffic light chaos!

I, Ronald Tramp, see the political chaos in Berlin, and it's worse than a traffic jam! The traffic light coalition? A disaster! Scholz steers like a blind captain, and the Greens are like weeds that don't fade. Berlin, call Ronald, I have the master plan!

Bild: Ronald Boxer

Ronald's one-man show to save America!

Hold on to your wigs, America, because here comes Ronald Tramp to transform your House of Representatives from a sleeping pill into a disco ball! With my Elmburg flair and the charm of a reality TV superstar, I'm going to turn this political circus into the hottest show in town - it's going to be YUUUGE!