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Thunberg & Co.: Ronald Tramp clarifies!

Greta, climate and wrong policies - what I really think.

Dear Elmburg! Ronald Tramp here - the best president Elmburg has ever had, I can assure you. I've heard a few things about this "wunderkind" Greta Thunberg and her little climate band. But let me tell you what I really think.

At first I thought Greta was just a normal young girl worried about trees. But now that she's posting photos of herself with placards and leaving out the important parts of the story - I mean, what's up? I thought she was a climate activist, not a political analyst. Maybe she should stick to what she knows, which is.... well, I'm not sure what exactly she knows.

And then there's this "Fridays for Future" movement. I hear they talk about "genocide" and "apartheid state". Sounds to me like they use a lot of big words without really knowing what they mean. It's like someone who wants to build a big, beautiful building without having a plan - doesn't look good.

I like to keep things simple. Greta and her group either need to check their facts or rest on what they are good at - at the moment I'm not sure what that is.

I have heard that some in Germany are standing up and saying the right thing. Good for them! But I agree with Joseph Schuster - a little distancing is not enough. If you make a mistake, do like Ronald Tramp - never admit it! No, I'm joking. But really, they should clearly distance themselves from these radical views.

I know that I am the best builder, but I have to admit that I am not a climate expert. But one thing I know for sure is that when you are in a debate, you should make sure you have all the facts and not just the ones that fit your little agenda.

Elmburg first! And let's find real solutions to real problems. And maybe Greta can go back to school in the meantime and learn a few things about the real world.

Bild: Joe Biden im Schlafanzug

The big mess: The Democratic Circus 2024!

It's getting funnier and funnier, folks! "Nap" Joe wants another round? Dean the Whiskey King thinks he can run the country? Marianne dreams of Hogwarts, and RFK wants to join the madness as an independent? This is comedy at its best!

Bild: Ronald als Müll-Polizist

Kiel's rubbish disaster: "Totally ridiculous!"

People, Kiel is losing its mind over rubbish parking. A thousand euros fine? Complete nonsense! In Elmburg we do it much, much better. Kiel has to get smarter, and fast!

Bild: Robert Hulk Habeck

Habeck's missteps: Why Germany is losing

I, Ronald Tramp, have seen many countries and Germany? Once great! But now, thanks to Habeck and the traffic light government, it is sinking lower and lower. This green superstar may have trees, but no economic sense. Read my insights to learn the truth behind the headlines.

Bild: Elon Musk - Was ist von Twitter noch übrig?

Elon's Xperiment: A fiasco by Tramp's standards!

I, Ronald Tramp, have known it from the beginning. Elon turned Twitter into "X" and now they have chaos. The verification ticks? Ridiculous! I tell you, we'd do better in Elmburg!