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VW's IT chaos: A digital guessing game

Ronald Tramp reports: How VW got stuck on the net in search of its own competence!

Dear citizens of Elmburg, this is your beloved President Ronald Tramp speaking! And I tell you the story that reaches the scale of a Greek tragedy: the legendary drama of VW, the giant on clay feet!

Let's imagine, in the moonless night, brave IT warriors enter the labyrinth of the VW network, armed with nothing but coffee and audacity. They search for the Minotaur of data chaos. A suspicious data package, they say, has been identified and isolated. A triumph? Or just the straw to which the desperate cling?

Dawn is breaking. The mythical creatures of VW, hopeful, tell us that all is well again. But what is it? A whisper runs through Wolfsburg's alleys. "There are restrictions," they breathe softly, while beads of sweat dance on their foreheads. Oh, the irony, in the cradle of the automotive empire, Wolfsburg, they are not working at full capacity! A fool who thinks VW has the knack of its own IT!

And now, dear friends, let us be blown away by the breath of the absurd. Porsche, Skoda, Audi, all caught in the Minotaur's claws. All plants in Germany, fallen like dominoes. Amazing, isn't it? "Step by step," breathes the Audi spokeswoman as the curtain is raised on the second act.

Bild: Ronald Muskelmann

Drama in Germany: Ronald Tramp's analysis

Hey guys, Ronald Tramp here! Germany is stuck in chaos, between Putin, migration crises and traffic light squabbles! I've analysed the best experts and tell you: sometimes you just have to flex your muscles. Don't worry, in Elmburg we would have solved all the problems long ago - with style and perfect hair!

Bild: Emmanuel Macron bei einer Rede zum französischen Volk

Billions for heat pumps? Macron, that's touching!

Dear Elmburgers, I, Ronald Tramp, present to you the latest joke from France: Macron wants to shell out billions for heat pumps and e-cars! While he drowns in a sea of numbers, we sit on our cosy little bikes and enjoy the simple joy of humility. Let them swim in their wealth, we'd rather stay dry!

Bild: Angela Merkel

Disaster in slow motion: Ronald Tramp clears up!

I, Ronald Tramp, shake my head and see it, people! Germany, you make sleepwalking your national hobby! When it comes to the "Taurus" cruise missile, you're on the fence, when it comes to border policy, you're a trembling deer in the traffic light. You need less Merkel slumber and more tramp turbo thrust! Get on my train of clear tones and make Germany awake, wise, and wonderful again!

Bild: Donald Trump und die lachenden Eichhörnchen

Tramp against Trump: Hurray for Elmburg's Juicy Justice!

As the undisputed, dazzling President of Elmburg, I, Ronald Tramp, watch Donald's court tug-of-war and can only snigger! A debacle in which he is expected to inflate his fortune like a failed balloon at an Elmburg garden party. In my glorious Elmburg? A hearty laugh, a sip of Elmburg juice and voilà, problem solved! We are just unbeatable, magnificent and simply the juiciest!