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Billionaire mimosas: Musk versus Gates in the sandbox

Ronald Tramp reveals: The most epic mud battle of the millennium that even I couldn't direct better!

By now you've probably heard, two billionaire boys, Gates and Musk, met and the drama that ensued would have put even our greatest soap opera in Elmburg to shame. It's almost like watching two peacocks flash their feathers to see whose shine dazzles more. Maybe they should start a reality show, I would definitely watch. Suggested title? "Billionaire Brawl!".

Bill Gates, the man who invented Windows, meets Elon Musk, the man who .... well, really invented everything. And it all starts with an innocent "Hey, let's talk philanthropy". As if they couldn't have just texted. But no, they have to bring drama into it!

Musk's response to Gates' office calling about a meeting was priceless. "I don't have anyone like that," he says. Really, Elon? Even I, Ronald Tramp, have someone to organise my schedule. Well, mostly he plans everything, but that's what counts!

And then this discussion about Mars. It's like me, Ronald Tramp, saying to someone, "Why would you go to Paris? Elmburg has everything!". Gates doesn't understand Musk's obsession with Mars, while the rest of us just wonder, "Is there WiFi there?"

But the really funny part was when Gates targeted Musk through the short sales. Who would have expected that? It's like me putting money on it raining in Elmburg tomorrow, even though I know the weather forecast.

Musk's reaction to this is just hilarious. He posts a picture of Gates looking like he's expecting a baby. What a move! I almost spilled my Elmburger tea laughing!

And then this final act of drama: Gates still hoping for a moment of contrition while Musk is still angry about those short sales. It's like watching two kids arguing over who has the bigger sundae, even though they're both huge!

And the final repartee between the two, with Musk calling Gates "certifiable" and Gates calling Musk a genius of science - I almost gave my entire fortune for that moment. Okay, not really, but you get my drift!

In conclusion, all I can say is that these two are like the Kardashians of the tech world - always the centre of attention, always dramatic. I hope they appear in another episode of their "Billionaire Beef" show. I will certainly be watching and enjoying my tea while doing so.

So folks, thanks for listening! Ronald Tramp, your beloved President of Elmburg, must now go and sort out the real scandal in Elmburg: Who ate the last piece of Elmburg cheesecake? Because it was mine! So long!

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