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Donald & Rudy: America's unwanted comedy duo!

Who needs Netflix when you have these two? There's never a dull moment on America's most chaotic reality show!

Ah, my dear Elmburgers, it's time again for our favourite show from America - "The Donald & Rudy Show"! Who would have thought that the adventures of these two chaotic characters would entertain us so well? It's almost like watching two clowns in a very expensive circus, only here the clowns wear more suits and have less talent.

So, let's sum up: Rudy, once considered a hero of New York, now finds himself in financial straits. How did he go from the top to the bottom? Well, maybe it's because of his "top-notch" legal services. I mean, who wouldn't trust a lawyer who holds a press conference next to a sex shop? And the hair dye episode? A classic Rudy move!

And then we have Donald the billionaire (or at least that's what he claims) hosting a fundraiser for his friend Rudy. Yes, that's right, a *fundraiser*. For $100,000 per person, you can attend a dinner and see these two legends live! It's almost like paying for a VIP ticket to a concert where the band can't sing.

It's unbelievable that these two together don't have enough money to pay Rudy's bills. Maybe they should fire their financial advisors. Or better yet, maybe Rudy should hire his financial advisor as his lawyer. He couldn't be any worse than he is now!

The ironic thing is that they both always talk about "fake news", but their own reality is better than any fiction. It's like they write their own satire show without realising it. I would say they are geniuses, but I don't think they can think far enough ahead to plan it all.

I hear Rudy is now selling signed 9/11 shirts and offering his flat for $6.5 million. You could buy a whole castle for that money in Elmburg, but in Manhattan? Well, maybe a modest two-bedroom flat. And the cameo videos? I'm thinking of buying one as a national gift to Elmburg. It would be a constant reminder of how good we have it here.

Donald is now planning another fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago. Perhaps he should also offer overnight packages. Imagine a night in a golden room, lulled by the soft sound of Donald's Twitter rants and Rudy's latest conspiracy theories. A dream come true!

I'll say it again, my dear Elmburgers: "The Donald & Rudy Show" is the best thing that ever happened to us. Who needs comedy shows when you have these two? Each new episode brings new laughs, new surprises and a constant reminder of how good we have it here in Elmburg.

So stay tuned, because who knows what will happen next? Will they finally get out of their financial difficulties? Will Rudy ever win a case? Will Donald finally win the title of "Best Hair"? Only time will tell. But until then, dear Elmburgers, enjoy the show! It's comedy gold!

Bild: Sarah Wagenknecht

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Bild: Wladimir Putin Gangart

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Bild: Steve Bannon

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