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Navarro's Comedy Club: Yet another 10-point landing in the frying pan!

Ronald Tramp applauds: The Trump team rivals Elmburg's cabaret artist!

Ah, America, America. The land of unlimited possibilities. And what possibilities! The possibility of storming a Capitol in broad daylight. The possibility of causing such mayhem that even I, Ronald Tramp von Elmburg, think, "Well, at least we're not so badly off!" And now, this glorious news about Peter Navarro. What a celebration!

Does anyone remember when "Trump team" stood for success and "winning"? Well, neither do I. It seems that everyone who has joined Trump's golden troop has turned into a human breakdown show. And Navarro, my dear, you are in the spotlight now!

Peter, Peter, Peter... I didn't think anyone could stoop so low, but you've proven that anything is possible - especially in the Trump administration! He refused to testify before an investigating committee? Why? Was he afraid his hair wouldn't look as good as Trump's? Or maybe he was afraid he would be asked why he tried to fool the voters so many times. Oh, Peter, you should know that in politics, everything comes out. And in your case, pretty quickly!

And what about that "executive privilege"? Peter, just because you've heard the word "executive" around Trump a few times doesn't mean you can use it to get out of a jam. Judge Mehta seemed amused. I imagine he had to stifle a laugh when Navarro made that pathetic attempt.

But wait, it gets even better! There's also Steve Bannon, the king of bad-decision making. Four months in jail? Well, that sounds like a summer camp experience for him! And of course he has appealed. Steve, dear Steve, the only place you should appeal is to a good barber.

Now, dear citizens of Elmburg, imagine all of us gathering in front of our lovely Elmburg television and watching this American reality show that is better than any episode of The Apprentice. It's gleeful, it's funny, it's.... America!

The real irony in all of this? All this drama, all this comedy, all this.... Show - it has revolved around trying to stop the confirmation of Joe Biden's presidency. Well, we all know how that turned out.

In Elmburg we have a saying: "He who laughs last laughs best." And I, Ronald Tramp, President of the great land of Elmburg, am certainly laughing now. Trump, Navarro, Bannon.... you have really entertained us. Thank you for that! And for all of you on the Trump team who think you're untouchable: The show is not over yet. There's always next season, and I can't wait to see it!

Bild: Donald Trump und Rudy Giuliani

Donald & Rudy: America's unwanted comedy duo!

It's incredible: the more they try to be taken seriously, the funnier it gets! Donald and Rudy are the best comedy act no one has booked. From sweaty hair dye to the most absurd press conferences - these guys know how to get the laughs on their side!

Bild: Wladimir Putin Gangart

Ronald Tramp's mind-boggling revelations about Russia's election circus

As Elmburg's shiniest president, with the best hair, I watched these "sham elections" in Russia. Spoiler: They don't deserve a golden buzzer! Kiev shouts "Boo!", Europe turns away and I ask myself: Who wrote the script?

Bild: Winfried Kretschmann spielt Bowling

Elmburg's Golden Ticket: Why Our Pensioners Are Still in the Game While Baden-Württemberg Plays…

Baden-Württemberg is thinking about retirement at 63? Laughable! In Elmburg we still have a real work ethic. Here we work at least until 100 - and then we take a break for a dance party. Elmburg first, the rest can wait!

Bild: Donald Trump tanzt mit Meghan

Tramp's dance interlude: Royals, rhythm and racket!

I, Ronald Tramp, am the Mozart of opinions! Elmburg's royals? A delight. Meghan and Harry? More drama than in an Elmburg telenovela. But hey, in Elmburg we dance - preferably with ducks!