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Tramp's Tutorial for Sahra: How to shine in politics (without embarrassing yourself)!

Elmburg's self-proclaimed superstar gives Sahra Wagenknecht a (much needed) crash course!

So, Sahra Wagenknecht wants to found her own party! That's as surprising as a rainstorm in Elmburg. I, Ronald Tramp, the incredible president of Elmburg, of course have some thoughts on this.

Those four key points - "economic sanity", "social justice", "peace" and "freedom". Reminds me of my own campaign, only of course mine was better. Much better. The best campaign Elmburg has ever seen!

"Economic sanity" - sounds like someone is trying to reinvent the wheel. What exactly does she mean by that? In Elmburg, thanks to me, we have the strongest economy in the world. You could say Elmburg is the definition of economic sanity.

And then this thing about peace with Russia. Really, Sahra? Is that the grand plan? We all know how negotiations with Russia go. I've talked to many, many heads of state, really many. And I can tell you, peace with Russia is not like a walk in the park. You can't just go and say, "Hello, let's be friends." You have to negotiate hard. But maybe by "peace" she just means accepting whatever Russia wants. Who knows?

"Cancel Culture" - oh, finally a point I agree with! It's hard to be "canceled" all the time. I know that best of all. But hey, I still managed to become President of Elmburg. I'm living proof that Cancel Culture doesn't work!

She claims to have friends on the left. That's nice. I have friends too. Lots of friends. The best friends. But it takes more than a few friends to run a party.

So, Sahra, I wish you good luck with your little party project. And if peace with Russia doesn't work out, just give me a call. I could give you some tips. Nobody negotiates better than Ronald Tramp. No one!

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