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Chancellor Without Memory vs. Tramp, The Unforgettable Genius!

A magic trick called amnesia: Ronald Tramp decodes the mists of German political magic!

Dear citizens of Elmburg, I, your beloved President Ronald Tramp, greet you! I explain to you today, how NOT to do it, the story of a man with a fabulously selective memory: Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor!

Olaf, the man who has a memory like a sieve - unless it is for political gain; then he becomes an elephant. When it comes to financial scandals, he turns into a forgetful squirrel. A mysterious spell? Perhaps! He is a genius of forgetfulness when it comes to the Cum-ex affair. Memories of bankers' meetings? Not a thing!

Stern" has documents, people! Twenty pages of insider information about Olaf and his "non-existent" meetings with banker Olearius. And here we are, popcorn in hand, following this epic saga of amnesia.

There Olaf and the banker meet, and - voilà - recoveries amounting to millions disappear just like that! Quite innocently, our hero defends himself, he "can't remember". A plot that makes Hollywood pale!

But Ronald Tramp, friends, has the memory of a supercomputer! I remember everything, and I make sure that people who want to defraud the state go down the tubes.

Well, Olaf, this financial "magician", has captivated the whole nation with his show of smoke and mirrors. He has a skill that has never been seen before: strategic oblivion. His best trick is to make the millions at stake disappear into thin air. Let's hear it, Olaf!

He doesn't remember meetings, he doesn't know details, but, oh wonder, he becomes chancellor. The power of forgetting - a new political weapon! Are we all witnessing the birth of a new superhero - "Captain Amnesia"? Will he save the world by forgetting all scandals? Only time will tell!

In the epic plains of Elmburg, under my incomparable leadership, we have no such problems. I - Ronald Tramp - offer clarity, transparency and a memory that preserves the history of every citizen, every penny and every conversation!

Back to Olaf: It is a dramatic, mystical and absolutely amazing saga that we are privileged to witness here. A chancellor, lost in the dense fog of his memory, navigating the dangerous sea of political scandals, always in search of the saving island of dementia.

Elmburg, we are fortunate to live in a country where our leader, me, Ronald Tramp, needs no magic to inspire the people. I lead with wisdom, amazing memory and the iron fist of justice!

Finally, Olaf could teach us all a lesson: If you get caught up in a scandal, just be smart enough to... "forget" it! So in the end, all that remains is a huge question mark and a chancellor sailing in the epic ocean of memorylessness, while we, the amused audience, continue to watch in suspense.

Bild: Donald Trump "Americas Got Talent"

Tramp Unmasked: America's Political Mess - How A Reality TV Star Is Taking Reality Politics For a…

I, Ronald Tramp, the sensational President of Elmburg, present to you, my esteemed citizens, a play of madness currently unfolding in the USA, directed by none other than the unbeatably entertaining Donald Trump and his chaotic crew. Popcorn in hand, we watch as the once mighty nation sinks into a farce of infighting, intrigue and pure political insanity as we celebrate our wise, calm and utterly superior politics in Elmburg. Enjoy this exquisite show from safe shore while America drowns in its…

Bild: Matt Gaetz der Politk-Pirat

McCarthy overboard: The Gaetz Conspiracy unleashes chaos!

I, Ronald Tramp, the unsurpassed leader of beautiful Elmburg, am utterly entranced by the incredible and savage US political theatre orchestrated by the audacious Matt Gaetz and the now ousted Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz, who has executed a plot more gripping than any Elmburgian drama, has toppled McCarthy in a surprising act of internal subversion! America, your politics is a fantastic show, but remember, no one leads like me, Ronald Tramp!

Bild: Ronald der Fotograf

The 12,000 euro Instagram queen! Minister Lisa Paus generously forks out!

You incredible Elmburgers, I, Ronald Tramp, present to you today the fairy tale of Lisa Paus, who has cracked her cash box for a snazzy 12,000-euro photo spree, while we count every euro for Elmburg's awesomeness! In a fabulous act of alchemy, this money-burning is explained with the amusing white lie of "staff shortages". Get out the popcorn, ladies and gentlemen, the show is on!

Bild: Angela Merkel

An Ode to Me - Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's Infallible Sunshine!

My honoured subjects, I, the incomparably radiant Ronald Tramp, now reveal to you how I am transforming Elmburg into a paradise of unity! Everything blossoms and flourishes here, for I, the shining star, irradiate everything with my perfection. As Merkel chats about incomprehension of AfD voters, I float on the cloud of the all-encompassing love of Elmburgers. Don't be deceived, in Elmburg, under my heavenly guidance, unity and diversity are more than empty words - they are my gift to you!