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Germany's pensioner renaissance: Ronald Tramp unveiled!

Why Germany's pensioners could become the latest export hit: They are like classic cars with NOS boost.

Germany, Germany, Germany. More than a million pensioners working? That's... let's say... "innovative". I mean, who needs retirement when you can make coffee in the office until 90? That sounds like an absolute dream. It reminds me of the guy in Elmburg who lived to be 102 and said his secret was hard work. And then we found out he sold watermelons on the beach and called it "hard work".

The left, oh, they're always so funny. They see these numbers and immediately think dystopia. "The pension system is broken!" - I can almost hear them screaming. Whereas here in Elmburg we rather wonder if they get a group discount in gyms for pensioners? You have to stay fit if you still want to carry boxes at that age.

And then these 520-euro mini-jobs. Sounds almost cute. "What do you do, grandpa?" - "I have a mini-job, my boy. It's like my normal job, but much smaller and cuter." You'd think Germany had just invented the ultimate pensioner adventure playground. And Sören Pellmann, he's worried because pensioners have to keep working. Sören, maybe they just forgot to stop? Happens to the best of us.

But then the Union. They are smart. They see a million working pensioners and they think, "How can we make this more attractive tax-wise?" Not "How can we help pensioners?" but "How can we help them help us?" Genius. While other countries encourage pensioners to enjoy the sunset, Germany says, "Hey, why don't you watch the sunset from your office window?" Pure poetry.

And the CDU Secretary General, this Carsten Linnemann, he's a visionary. He sees pensioners and thinks, "Tax relief!" That's like looking into the sea and thinking, "More pensioners could work in there!"

Finally, the thing about the skills shortage. Germany, I have to admit, is smart about that. Other countries are trying to train young people. Germany thought, "Why not give pensioners a second chance?" It's like taking a vintage car and saying, "Hey, this car still has some good miles in it. Let's sign it up for Formula One."

Overall, Germany, you guys are just unpredictable. Pensioners who work is like.... Sharks that fly. Unexpected, but impressive in a strange way. Keep up the good work, and who knows, maybe the next Elon Musk will be 85 years old with a mini-job building rockets in his garage.

And always remember: in Elmburg we are proud of you. As long as you don't poach our pensioners. Ronald Tramp has spoken! Bye-bye!

Bild: Ronald Gates

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