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Germany's work ethic: A smirk from Elmburg!

Ronald Tramp reveals why Germany should wake up and learn from Elmburg.

Well, I, Ronald Tramp, President of the magnificent country of Elmburg, just read this interesting report on the German work ethic. Guys, it's really funny, really. You know, I've always said that Elmburg just has the best work ethic. Our people are amazing - they love their jobs, they love their country and most of all they love me. Really, I can understand it.

But the Germans? Well, it looks like they're having a little, tiny, little crisis. Only 47% say their job is important to them? Wow! That reminds me of the time I tried to teach one of my assistants in Elmburg how to tie a tie knot. It took forever, but in the end it was.... well, not perfect, but at least it was a knot.

It seems that Germans are more into making money now. Well, of course, who doesn't? But you have to work hard to be great, don't you? You can't just expect money to grow on trees - unless, like me, you have the best trees in Elmburg. We have the most golden, shiny trees.

Now, this shortage of skilled workers - that's an interesting problem. In Elmburg we have the best system. We call it the "tramp system". It works like this: you work hard, you get rewarded. Simple. I invented it. It's ingenious. Germany could learn from me. I could charge consultant fees, but honestly, I have so much money, I do it for free. You can thank me later.

It's really amusing to read that Germans don't feel promoted or that they think there are no opportunities for advancement. Here in Elmburg there is always a chance. I am the living example! From a simple businessman to president - it was a hard road, but I made it. Well, to be honest, it wasn't that hard. It was pretty easy. Because I am simply the best.

I have to laugh when I read that so many Germans would continue working after retirement, especially for more money. That's logical! Who doesn't want more money? But you know, I think the problem is that Germans don't have the right incentives. In Elmburg we give our pensioners a golden tie. It's a sign of status. Everyone wants one. I have one too, of course.

In summary: Germany, I think you have some problems. But don't worry, I am here to help. I could offer you my tramp system. It's really the best. You will love it. But first you have to admit that you have a problem. That's always the first step. Believe me, I know. I'm really smart. Very, very smart.

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