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The big kissing mess! Germany, you're just too funny!

Ronald Tramp on Nancy and Olaf's "non-kiss": Who needs comedy shows when we have German politicians?

Oh my goodness! What a spectacle in Germany! Nancy and Olaf really outdid themselves. I can't decide which part I loved more: The sudden policy reversal or the kissing scene. Both just worth their weight in gold.

So, let's be honest: when I see performances like that, I'm glad to be the president of Elmburg. At least with us the events are exciting. And sure, we also have our little mishaps. Once I tripped over a carpet and almost knocked over the statue of our founder. But you know what? At least we don't have any kissing scandals!

Then the audience: mostly male pensioners? I mean, where were the young people? Probably all at home, watching Netflix. Or maybe they saw Nancy's last interview and thought, "Not again". I bet some of those pensioners were thinking the same thing, but hey, a free afternoon in the marketplace, why not?

Now for their sudden change of mind about migration. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy... so transparent! "I want to be Prime Minister, so I'm quickly changing my mind." It's such a classic politician move. And Olaf? "If you come here seeking protection but can't present any reasons and therefore get rejected, you have to leave too." Wow, Olaf. Revolutionary! Has no one thought of that before you? Oh, wait, yes!

Now for her sudden change of mind on migration. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy... so transparent! "I want to be prime minister, so I'm changing my mind fast." It's such a classic politician move. And Olaf? "If you come here seeking protection but can't present any reasons and therefore get rejected, you have to leave too." Wow, Olaf. Revolutionary! Has no one thought of that before you? Oh, wait, yes!

What about the visa scandal in Poland? I could hardly believe it. African refugees buying work permits to come to Germany? That almost sounds like an episode from a bad crime series. What comes next? A scandal about the sale of fake Elmburg passports?

But back to the best part: the kiss. Oh my God! That was the best scene in a long time. If that doesn't go viral, I don't know what will. It was like a scene from a bad romance movie: "He wants, she wants.... But no one gets what they want!" I watched it in slow motion just to enjoy the full extent of the discomfort. Awesome.

Honestly, I'm a little envious. Not of the kiss, of course, but of the entertainment. Things like that don't happen in Elmburg. We're just too cool for such embarrassments. Or maybe just not brave enough to take such risks? I don't know.

All in all, dear Elmburgers, it was a wonderful afternoon. I thank Nancy and Olaf for the entertainment. It was a feast! But seriously, dear Germans, if you need tips for a successful public appearance, look to Elmburg. Everything always goes smoothly with us. Or at least almost always.

Bild: 90-jährige US Richterin

Ronald Tramp speaks plainly: The hilarious truth about aged judges in the USA!

Folks, it's unbelievable! Pauline Newman, the oldest federal judge in the US, has been suspended from her job, and that's no coincidence. America needs a breath of fresh air and I, Ronald Tramp, am the best example. Let's face it, if you can't keep up, make way for the real geniuses. I tell it like it is, and it's time America did too!

Bild: Spaghetti Carbonara

Ronald Tramp exposes: The Italian migration bluff

Guys, I'm Ronald Tramp, the best president of Elmburg, okay? I have to say, Italy's migration policy is a real disaster. They talk a lot and do little. Ursula von der Leyen? Nine minutes on Lampedusa! Embarrassing! All this is nothing but a big bluff.

Bild: Nancy Faeser spielt Candy Crush analog

Faeser's BSI drama: A masterpiece of politics?

I've always said that politics is a dirty business, and here we have the proof! Faeser and her BSI theatre - all because of a TV show? I, Ronald Tramp, got to the bottom of it all. The timing, the drama, it all smells like a big story! Elmburg deserves the truth!

Bild: Unfleißiger Handwerker

Germany's work ethic: A smirk from Elmburg!

Germany, you are in sleep mode while Elmburg is flying in turbo drive (under my great guidance)! You have a shortage of skilled workers? In Elmburg we only have a shortage of bad hairdressers. Don't worry, I, Ronald Tramp, am here with my infinite wisdom to give you some pointers. You can thank me later (and you certainly will)!