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Greta blocks roads, Elmburg blocks inanities!

Ronald Tramp's terrific insight into the comic capers of the climate campaigner.

So there I sit in my lavish palace in Elmburg, the best palace ever, of course, with golden taps and - just as an aside - water from the purest Elmburg springs. As I gaze into the distance through my gilded telescope, I see Greta Thunberg walking around Sweden's streets protesting - guess what? Surprise!

Honestly, if I got an Elmburger Taler every time Greta protested, I'd be even richer. Oh, wait a minute, I'm already the richest person in Elmburg, thanks to my businesses. You know, the best businesses!

But back to our Swedish friend. It's like watching a rerun of "Protests with Greta". Episode 1: Greta blocks traffic. Episode 2: Greta ignores police orders. Episode 3: Greta goes to court... and guess what? Episode 4: It's all over again!

Now I'm not a big fan of repeats. In Elmburg we only have original shows, the best shows, no repeats. But I have to say, Greta, that's pretty brave... or just plain forgetful. Maybe she should install a note app on her phone. Oh wait, she probably doesn't use a mobile phone to save CO2. Well played, Greta.

I'm currently thinking about starting a new reality show in Elmburg: "Greta's court adventures". Every week a new judge, a new fine, and Greta with a new poster. I bet the ratings would be phenomenal. Maybe I should produce this. After all, I only produce hits.

I have to say, though, it's kind of admirable. The perseverance, the tenacity. If Greta can put that kind of energy into... let's say, her own TV station, who knows? Maybe she would become the new media mogul of Sweden. But instead she stands on the street and sings the song "How dare you?"

But, you know, Greta, Elmburg is listening. We all listen. Maybe not always in the way you want us to, but we listen. We listen to you block traffic, we listen to you ignore police orders, and yes, we will listen when you are in court. Maybe not live, but certainly on repeat.

In conclusion, I, Ronald Tramp, am always in favour of freedom of expression. Even if that opinion consists of constant repetition. Greta, I hope one day you can find another way to spread your message. Maybe a podcast? "The Daily Climate Rant with Greta". Sounds like a hit!

In the meantime, Greta, take care of yourself and try to take police orders a little more seriously. After all, they're there to help... or at least to keep the traffic flowing. And if you ever need advice or a producer for your show, you know where to find me - in Elmburg, the best country in the world!

Bild: Ronald Tramp als UFO-Pilot

Tramp's universe: Aliens love me!

I read the NASA report. Better and faster than anyone else. UAPs? They call it that, I say 'tramp fans from space'. They love Elmburg. Nobody attracts aliens like I do.

Bild: Ronald Tramp der Schaffner

Elmburg First! Our trains are the best trains!

I, Ronald Tramp, make trains great again - here in Elmburg. Germany has construction sites? Surprise! Here trains arrive ahead of schedule. Maybe you should think more Elmburg and less construction site.

Bild: Ronald Tramp im Comedy-Club

Thuringia's Comedy Club - Who wrote the script?

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's shining star, look at Thuringia's political cabaret. Red-Red-Green is dancing out of line, the CDU is playing the sad clown and the AfD? It sells the laughing cards. Laugh or cry, you decide!

Bild: Donald Trump der Orangene

Ronald Tramp: The real one, the true one, the... not Orange?

I am Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's most dazzling and humble president! Donald? Isn't that that guy with the weird haircut? While he engages in legal telenovelas, I rule Elmburg with a snap of my fingers and real hair. And yes, Donald, Elmburg is a country, not your lunch!